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Veterans Affairs - Education, 1973-1974

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: James R. Jones Legislative Series


The letter is from Congressman James R. Jones to Mr. Ron Gill, thanking him for visiting the Mobile Congressional office and updating him on the status of legislation to extend GI education benefits from 8 to 10 years. The House of Representatives passed a bill, H.R. 12628, and the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs is considering it. Prospects for passage are good, and both Houses agree on the importance of extending veterans' education benefits before the current benefits expire on May 31st. Congressman Jones supported the bill in the House and will continue to support measures benefiting veterans.


Mrs. Stubbings wrote a letter to Congressman James R. Jones expressing concern over the termination of educational benefits for veterans attending school on the GI educational assistance benefits bill. Congressman Jones responded, assuring her of his support and mentioning legislation pending in Congress to extend the eight-year limitation on educational benefits. Mrs. Stubbings requested the law be changed to allow veterans attending university on a continuous basis to receive benefits regardless of the number of years it takes.


Ms. Bavido wrote to Congressman James R. Jones expressing concern over the termination of educational benefits for veterans on the GI bill. Congressman Jones reassured her that legislation to extend the limitation on educational benefits was being considered and he would support prompt action on the bill. Bavido thanked Jones for his support and urged him to vote in favor of the extension to further the education of those who have served the country.


Mr. Blackburn wrote a letter to Congressman James R. Jones expressing his concerns about issues with his G.I. Bill education benefits. Congressman Jones responded by informing him about a bill that has been passed to improve veterans benefits and assured him of his continued support for measures that benefit veterans. Blackburn had encountered problems with the Veterans Administration incorrectly awarding him benefits and delaying his payments, causing financial hardship for his family. He requested assistance from Congressman Jones to address these issues for future veterans.


Bruce Murray writes to Congressman James R. Jones urging support for Senator Cranston's bill to extend G.I. Bill benefits. Murray, a navy veteran, shares his personal experience and highlights the importance of extending entitlement for educational benefits. Congressman Jones acknowledges Murray's letter and assures him of his support for the bill, emphasizing the benefits it would provide for veterans like Murray. Murray urges Congressman Jones to vote for the passage of the bill, emphasizing its importance for veterans and the country as a whole.


Mr. Bruce Crain wrote a letter to Congressman James R. Jones, urging support for legislation sponsored by Senator Cranston to improve G.I. Bill benefits. Congressman Jones responded, informing Crain that the bill is pending before the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs and will be considered in hearings starting in the third week of the month. He also mentioned another bill, H.R. 12628, that has already passed in the House of Representatives. Congressman Jones expressed his support for providing benefits to veterans and enclosed a news report detailing the provisions of H.R. 12628.


The text is a letter from Congressman James R. Jones to Mr. Cliff Edwards thanking him for his support of H.R. 12584, a bill providing tuition assistance to veterans. Jones assures Edwards that he will keep his views in mind when the bill comes to a vote. An inter-office correspondence notes that Edwards called to express support for the bill and is a strong supporter of Jones.


James Sparks is urging Congressman Dorn to support the Cranston Bill, which aims to extend G.I. Bill benefits for veterans. Congressman Jones acknowledges Sparks' letter and informs him that a similar bill has been passed by the House. Sparks expresses concerns about the rising cost of living affecting veterans' ability to finance their education and asks for support in passing the bill.


Raymond E. Murray wrote a letter to Congressman James R. Jones urging his support for S. 2784, a bill to extend entitlement for G.I. Bill benefits. Congressman Jones responded, acknowledging receipt of the letter and informing Murray that a similar bill, H.R. 12628, had been passed by the House with his support. Jones thanked Murray for sharing his views.


Mr. and Mrs. Manship wrote a letter to Congressman James R. Jones urging support for Senator Cranston's bill to extend G.I. Bill benefits. Congressman Jones acknowledged their letter and informed them that a similar bill had been passed by the House, increasing benefits and extending eligibility. He thanked them for sharing their views.


The letter is from Mr. Wold to Congressman Jim Jones, expressing concern about the delay in passing legislation to improve G.I. veterans benefits. Mr. Wold specifically mentions the extension of the time limit for educational benefits and the need for an increase in pension benefits. He explains his personal situation and how the delay in passing the bill is affecting him and his family. Mr. Wold requests Congressman Jones' assistance in moving the legislation forward and expresses his appreciation for any help he can provide. Congressman Jones responds, acknowledging Mr. Wold's concerns and assuring him that he will do his best to support the legislation when it comes to the House for final approval.


The text is a letter from Mrs. Steve Logue to Representative James R. Jones regarding legislation to increase benefits for Vietnam-era veterans. Mrs. Logue expresses concern about the delay in passing the bill and the financial struggles she faces as a veteran trying to pursue education. She emphasizes the importance of affordable education for veterans to improve their employment opportunities.


Mr. Bob Sellars wrote to Representative James Jones urging him to support the Senate version of a bill increasing GI educational benefits. Representative Jones responded, stating that he had voted for a House bill extending GI benefits and supporting prompt action on the extension. He thanked Mr. Sellars for his input and assured him of his support.


The letter is from James R. Jones, a member of Congress, responding to a letter from Mr. Tim Whalen regarding the extension of GI educational benefits. Jones mentions bills that have been passed in the House and Senate to improve and extend these benefits. He assures Whalen of his support for prompt action on this matter. Whalen, a married veteran, expresses his gratitude for the education benefits he receives but also highlights the financial challenges he faces. He encourages Jones to vote for the bill to increase GI benefits for Vietnam era veterans.


The letter acknowledges receipt of a request to support S. 2784, a bill to extend and improve veterans' benefits. The Congressman assures that he will consider the recommendations when the compromise bill is returned for a vote. The letter emphasizes the importance of prompt action on extending GI benefits and requests immediate support for the bill.


Mr. W. H. Franklin contacted Congressman James R. Jones expressing interest in a position with the Veterans' Administration to work with veterans on college campuses. Congressman Jones has contacted the V.A. on Mr. Franklin's behalf and hopes to have further information soon. Mr. Franklin, a teacher in the Tulsa School system, is a 60% disabled veteran with a bachelors and masters degree. He is interested in applying for a job as a V.A. representative on college campuses. Congressman Jones looks forward to meeting with Mr. Franklin in the near future.


The text is a letter from H. Everett Pope, Board Chairman of the Oklahoma School of Business, to Congressman James R. Jones, requesting an extension of the G.I. Bill to assist veterans pursuing their education. Congressman Jones acknowledges the request and assures that the bill is pending before the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs and plans are to report the bill for a vote before the May 31 deadline.


Congressman James R. Jones wrote a letter to Ms. Alexandra King discussing recent legislation passed to improve veterans' educational benefits. The bill did not change the basic 36-month period of eligibility for most veterans, except for children of servicemen who died in action and veterans who are 100% disabled, who have a 40-month entitlement. Congressman Jones mentioned that the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee may make changes to this provision. He enclosed a copy of the bill and offered further assistance. A note from another individual inquiring about a waiver to join the Reserves for Ms. King was also mentioned.


Chuck Adams wrote a letter to Congressman James R. Jones expressing concern about the termination of veterans' educational benefits on June 1, 1974. Jones acknowledges Adams' concerns and informs him of legislation being considered to extend these benefits for two years. Jones assures Adams of his support for prompt action on the legislation. Adams had urged Jones to vote in favor of extending veterans benefits as a token of respect and gratitude for their service.


Mr. McCauley wrote to Congressman James R. Jones expressing concern about the termination of veterans' educational benefits on June 1, 1974. Congressman Jones acknowledges the letter and assures Mr. McCauley of his support for the extension of GI benefits. He mentions that the House has already passed a bill to extend benefits, and the Senate has also taken action on the issue. Congressman Jones thanks Mr. McCauley for his input and assures him that he will work towards prompt action on the extension of benefits.


Bruce Olsen wrote to Congressman Jones expressing concern about the eight year limitation on educational benefits for veterans, specifically GI benefits for education. Congressman Jones reviewed the comments and it was recommended that legislation be implemented to extend the limitation by two years. Mr. Olsen, a veteran currently studying physics at Tulsa Junior College, had also expressed a desire for changes in the law. Congressman Jones will be informed of the response upon his return to the United States.


The text includes a letter from Department Commander Bill Baggett to Representative James Jones regarding the need for increased educational benefits for Vietnam Era Veterans. The letter is accompanied by an editorial from The Oklahoma Journal criticizing the inadequate educational benefits currently provided to veterans. The editorial highlights the challenges faced by Vietnam veterans, including high unemployment rates and limited access to education. The text also mentions a proposal from the Subcommittee on Education and Training of the Veterans' Affairs Committee in Washington to update the educational benefits program for veterans.


The letter is acknowledging receipt of a communication from Mr. Robert L. Price to Congressman Jones regarding military personnel bills. It assures Mr. Price that his correspondence will be brought to the Congressman's attention and offers assistance from the staff in the meantime.


Mr. Jimerson wrote a letter to Congressman James R. Jones expressing his concern about the eight-year limitation on VA educational assistance benefits for veterans. Congressman Jones agreed with Mr. Jimerson's analysis and informed him that legislation is being considered to extend the limitation by two years. He also mentioned that Mr. Jimerson can appeal to the Veterans Administration for an extension and offered to help in any way he can. Mr. Jimerson expressed his frustration about his limited education and financial struggles, and asked for assistance in extending his eligibility for VA assistance.


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