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Julian P. Kanter Political Commercial Collection

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This series includes United States Senate Campaign ads from 1964-2014.

This series represent local county and city offices campaign ads.


This series represents Lieutenant Governor Office Campaign Ads


This collection contains media relevant to Governors Offices and Issue Campaigns.


Various campaign, issues, television spots concerning political topics.


International offices of elections and political broadcast spots


State Senate Offices Campaign Ads (Local States)


This series consist of campaign ads from judicial offices.


The materials in this sub-series contains manuscripts, manusal, forms, and images documenting the history of the Political Communication Center, Julian P. Kanter Political Communication Center, and other important information from 1979 to the present.

This collection contains media relevant to Attorney General Office and Issue Campaigns. The collection has television spots, commercials, short clips. ) : Each item within this collections falls under the following categories: 16mm film reels, VHS videotape, 3/4" U-Matic videotape, 1" and 2" tap, Beta SP, Betamax, Mini DV, DVD, and born digital video formats.


This series includes United States Office of President Campaign Ads from 1912-2016

This series includes United States House of Representatives Campaign Ads from 1938-2016

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Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center | University of Oklahoma