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E - Last Name correspondence (from)


Correspondence from Congressman James R. Jones to Mr. Ted Eskridge, a constituent and resident of Tulsa, OK, regarding an enclosed letter from the Congressman to the Webster High School Class of 1955 in an effort to help Mr. Eskridge and the rest of the Steering Committee in their efforts to plan the Webster Class of 1955 25th Reunion

May 2, 1908 - July 11, 1980

Correspondence from Margery Kraus, Vice President, Close-up, to Congressman James R. Jones regarding an enclosed letter supporting appropriation for the Allen J. Ellender Fellowship Program cosigned by the Congressman

May 6, 1980 - June 30, 1980

Correspondence between George W. England, Director, Center for Economic and Management Research, The University of Oklahoma, Larry K. Michaelson, Director, Quality of Life Survey, The University of Oklahoma, and Congressman James R. Jones inviting the Congressman to the Results Presentation Meeting based on the 1979 Quality of Life Survey of Oklahoma

March 17, 1980 - March 27, 1980

Correspondence between Mr. William H. Elson, Jr., a constituent and resident of Tulsa, OK, and Congressman James R. Jones regarding Mr. Elson's response to the Congressman's Constituent Questionnaire

May 1, 1979 - May 11, 1979

Correspondence between Ms. Ginger Evans, Number 2 Cerro Gordo, New Mexico State Highway Department, and Congressman James R. Jones regarding Ms. Evans' request for the Congressman to send a letter to the card shower Ms. Evans organized for her parents' 50th Wedding Anniversary; includes enclosed letter from Congressman James R. Jones to Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Evans

May 21, 1979 - May 31, 1979

Correspondence between Ms. Norma Eagleton, Commissioner, Corporation Commission of Oklahoma, and Congressman James R. Jones regarding her support for the Congressman's decision to remain in the House of Representatives and not run for the United States Senate

October 23, 1979 - October 29, 1979

Correspondence from Congressman James R. Jones to the Honorable Glen English regarding his sudden contraction of the flu and an envelope from one of his constituents


Correspondence from Congressman James R. Jones to Mrs. Jeanette Edmondson, the Secretary of State of Oklahoma, regarding an enclosed copy of the Tulsa Tribune article about Mrs. Edmondson


Correspondence from Congressman James R. Jones to Mr. Clayton Edwards, Director, Tulsa County Department of Social Services, in which the Congressman congratulates Mr. Edwards on his new position as the Director of the Tulsa County Department of Social Services


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Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center | University of Oklahoma