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James R. Jones Campaign Series 1970-1986 (OPEN)

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Jones, James R. Collection 1973-1986




Also contains constituent letters.


Also contains letters on social security, prescription drugs, Vocational and Higher Education Acts, Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Budget Control Act; photocopies of newspaper articles "The 'Arrogance of Officialdom,'" "Another New 'Right'" from Tulsa Daily World; TSCA Roll Call directory.


Also contains photocopies of articles and an editorial cartoon concerning Senator Henry M. Jackson .



1976-1978, 1980-1982, 1984





Also contains photocopy of article titled "Bureaucratic Dispute Wastes $37,760 Per Year: Judge Paid to Do Nothing."


Also contains letters on Financial Reform Act.


Also includes constituent letters concerning tax deductions for charitable contributions, tax-free status of churches, and the separation of church and state.


Also contains congratulatory letters on re-election.




Contains constituent letters on "Handgun Control" Bill; photocopy of Gilbert Hill's article "The Do-Gooders' Recession."


Contains constituent letters on "Handgun Control" Bill.


Contains letters on National Health Insurance, Medicare and Medicaid reforms; photocopies of newspaper articles titled "Albert Trip Refreshments Cost $3,284" and "Moon Church Best, Korean Tells Throng."


Contains letters on Hill-Burton Act, national health insurance, education, teachers' concerns, older Americans.


Contains letter and list of fees to candidates from Richard D. Crosley (campaign consultant); Questionnaires from Cities Service Gas Company and the League of Woman Voters of Oklahoma; thank you letters; constituent letters giving support; letter asking about higher education for Indians (Peoria Tribe); newsletter-questionnaire on budget for constituents; contact list of teachers who attended meeting to discuss education matters, draft of thank you letters; photocopy of James M. Inhofe's Report of Receipts and Expenditures for a Candidate or Committee Supporting any Candidate(s) for Nomination or Election to Federal Office; invitation to debate from Dick E. Richardson; letter to Senator Keating; invitation to Critical Issues Forum; letters regarding the Home Builders' Convention about the Clean Air Act Amendments (H.R. 10498); photocopy of page from Economic Affairs on housing bills (S 3295, HR 14233); letters concerning Sparkman-Tower Amendment to Tax Reform Bill; Inhofe's campaign tour schedule; information sheet on Campaign Seminar for Democratic Incumbents.


Letters of support from constituents; survey on prospective election winners; Triennial Report of 1973-1976 from Los Angeles Inter-Foundation Center; letters from Jerry Jones on Labor-HEW Appropriations bill; Democratic National Committee's Analysis of Recent Polls - VI, VIII; surveys from Rinfret Boston Associates, Inc.; photocopies of campaign ads for congressional candidate Dennis O'Block; photocopy of Report of Receipts and Expenditures for a Candidate or Committee on Keating for Congress; Registration Form and Statement of Organization for a Political Committee on Inhofe for Governor; Report of Receipts and Expenditures for Frank A. Keating, Keating for Congress; tapes of tax hearings.


Contains letters from supporters; photocopies of articles entitled "Promises Broken on Election Financing" and "House: Promises vs. Performance;" photocopies of articles entitled "A Great Leap Forward" and "How Big is Uncle Sam?"; and a contact list of contributors.


Contains photocopy of article entitled "House Republicans More Conservative, Senate Moves Left" from ACA Consistency Index with voting record; letters from Senator Adam Benjamin, Jr. of Indiana, Representative John B. Breckinridge of Kentucky; letters of support from constituents; campaign tour schedules; letters requesting input and support from community leaders and past supporters; photocopies of responses to Inhofe; invitation to Democratic Congressional Dinner in honor of Jimmy Carter from Chairman James C. Corman; flyers from advertisement companies.


Includes campaign donations from Julian Rothbaum, Jack Zarrow, Robert S. Kerr, Jr., Breene M. Kerr, and William G. Kerr.


Includes voting record on abortion-related issues. Also contains photocopies from Congressional Quarterly Almanac on anti-abortion measures.

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Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center | University of Oklahoma