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Personal, Armey, Richard K., Correspondence

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Personal


Mark Sanford, a representative from South Carolina, sends a birthday greeting to Dick Armey, another member of the House of Representatives, wishing him a happy birthday and quoting Ralph Waldo Emerson about the importance of the depth of life.


Jane, a member of from the 26th District of Texas, thanks the President for a crossword puzzle. She mentions that she also completes the crossword in ink and has seen the President's name in it. She signs off with best regards.


Andrea Seastrand thanks the recipient for their efforts in campaigning for her in California and expresses appreciation. She signs off with "Change Andrea." The letter was not printed at government expense.


The White House sent a birthday greeting to Mr. Arel Leader, wishing him good health and happiness in the coming year. They expressed a desire to continue working together to strengthen the nation and build a brighter future for all Americans.


A birthday greeting is being extended to someone in July 1996 from the Republican Marathon Department, wishing them a very happy birthday filled with happiness and good cheer.


Professor Walter E. Williams of George Mason University writes to man Richard Armey thanking him for visiting their department and speaking with students. The students appreciated Armey's candor. Williams expresses support for Armey's efforts to enact a flat tax, suggesting a ten percent rate inspired by tithing demands. Williams apologizes for a mix-up in escorting Armey to his office.


Mariann wishes Dick Armey a happy birthday and notes that he deserves it, with a postscript calling him an "old guy."


Richard Ray, a former member of , sent a belated birthday message to man Dick Armey, praising him for his effective representation of his constituents and the country. Ray wished Armey success in the future and hoped that his birthday was special.


The text is a thank you message to Dick for his support during a campaign, acknowledging his contributions and expressing gratitude for his help. The sender also mentions their commitment to fulfilling promises and earning trust.


The author, Vice Admiral H.A. Browne Jr., thanks man Armey for his note and expresses gratitude for the opportunity to work with young sailors. Browne extends an invitation for Armey to visit the Fleet on the West Coast.


man Dick Armey congratulates Dr. Joe Marshall on receiving his doctorate and expresses his pride and support. He offers assistance in the future and looks forward to seeing him soon.


Matt Jason writes a letter to man Richard Armey expressing his gratitude for being named the recipient of the Holladay-Armey Scholarship. He transferred to Hillsdale College to pursue a degree in Political Science and participated in an internship program in Washington, D.C. He thanks man Armey for the scholarship and expresses his admiration for the conservative institution. man Armey responds with congratulations and pride in Matt's achievement.


The writer, Tony Snow, is thanking Dick for his work and suggesting that his colleagues should also be thanking him. He wishes Dick success in the future.


John Ashcroft sends a birthday message to Oith, wishing them a happy birthday and hoping that the year ahead will be their best yet. The message is signed by John and includes his position in the United States Senate.



Dick Armey, the Majority Leader of the United States , thanked Tom for his letter and gave permission to list him as a source for information, as long as it does not promote him as a solo learner.


The letter is a thank you note from Major General Max Baratz to man Dick Armey for his support of the Army Reserve. Baratz expresses gratitude for Armey's efforts to ensure efficient use of defense funding and outlines the Army Reserve's initiatives to reduce costs and increase readiness. The letter also wishes Armey a happy birthday and emphasizes continued collaboration to improve operations.


The text is a message from the Chief of Staff to the President expressing gratitude for the trust and partnership in achieving government goals. The Chief of Staff praises the President for delivering results and earning respect, and mentions working together to create a positive atmosphere. The text also mentions accomplishing significant accomplishments with the help of others.


Senator Phil Gramm of Texas sends a birthday greeting to man Richard Armey, wishing him happiness on his special day and expressing a desire to work together in the future. The letter is personalized and respectful in tone.


The text is a thank you letter from Coach Dick Vermeil to the Honorable Dick Armey for sending a flag to be flown over the U.S. Capitol on the day of his first game as head coach of the St. Louis Rams. Vermeil expresses his gratitude and mentions that he and his wife will proudly display the flag at their new home in St. Louis.


Jerry Weller, a member of the United States , thanks Richard K. Armey for providing his office with an extra gallery ticket to the Joint Session of address by Prime Minister Netanyahu. Weller expresses gratitude for the opportunity for his constituent to attend the event and offers to assist Armey in the future.


Richard L. Lesher, the president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce since 1975, is leaving his position to pursue other activities. He thanks the recipient, Richard K. Armey, for his support and friendship in advancing the ideals of the free enterprise system. Lesher assures Armey that he will still be available for assistance in the future.


The letter is expressing condolences to heart and Maryanne for the passing of their father. The sender, Dick Armey, reassures them that their father is in a better place and encourages them to take care of themselves and each other. He also offers his support and assistance if needed.


A letter from a 91-year-old resident of New York to a newspaper, praising Dick Armey, the Majority Leader of the United States . The writer expresses admiration for Armey's work and mentions that their friend also admires Armey and enjoys his letters to editors. The writer encourages Armey to continue his good work until Strom Thurmond retires.


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Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center | University of Oklahoma