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Correspondence, Multiple Issues

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Correspondence


The text discusses opposition to President Clinton's Executive Order 13083, which revoked an order signed by President Reagan related to federal regulations and state laws. The text also addresses concerns about the ional Progressive Caucus (CPC) and its connection to the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). It mentions actions taken to oppose Executive Order 13083 and clarifies the differences between the CPC and the DSA.


The author supports efforts to preserve national monuments but believes the president should consult with and affected communities before designating them. They are opposed to federal funding for needle exchange programs, as they believe it supports illegal drug use. The author thanks the reader for sharing their opinions and will consider them in future legislation discussions.


The text discusses the impact of government regulations on small businesses, specifically focusing on the Occupational Safety Hazards Administration (OSHA). It also addresses concerns about the current state of health care coverage in the nation, advocating for free-market reforms to make health care more affordable and accessible. The text also mentions proposed legislation to reform the tax code, protect patient medical records, and improve the Medicare-Plus-Choice program. The author emphasizes the need for responsive, localized health care coverage that prioritizes the patient's needs.


The text addresses concerns about Medicare coverage for psychiatric care and the benefits of implementing a flat tax system. The House of Representatives introduced a bill to adjust Medicare coverage for psychiatric care but did not vote on it. The author supports a flat tax plan to simplify the tax code and increase prosperity. Readers are encouraged to visit a website for more information on the flat tax.


The text discusses the importance of political competition in elections, the impeachment of President Clinton, and the necessity of defending the rule of law. The writer explains their support for impeaching the president, emphasizing the importance of upholding the Constitution and the rule of law. They encourage political activism and engagement from all Americans. The writer also expresses appreciation for hearing from constituents and encourages ongoing communication.


The text discusses the National Instant Check System for gun purchasers and the impeachment of President Clinton. It mentions the expiration of the Brady Law's waiting period for handgun purchases and the passage of H.R. 4328 prohibiting user fees for NICS and requiring the FBI to destroy background information. The text also explains the author's vote in favor of all four articles of impeachment against President Clinton, emphasizing the importance of upholding the rule of law and defending the Constitution. The author believes that failing to impeach the president would set a dangerous precedent and undermine the integrity of the nation's democracy.


The text discusses the process of road construction in the Dallas/Denton area and advises the reader to contact state and local officials for concerns. It also explains the impeachment of President Clinton and the author's support for all four articles of impeachment. The author emphasizes the importance of upholding the rule of law and defending the Constitution, stating that failing to impeach the president would set a dangerous precedent. The author concludes by offering further assistance to the reader.


The author expresses their support for the impeachment of President Clinton, stating that it was necessary to defend the Constitution and ensure that no one, regardless of power or popularity, is above the law. They also discuss their belief that life begins at conception and express their commitment to fighting for the rights of the unborn.


The representative voted in favor of all four articles of impeachment against President Clinton, believing it was important to defend the Constitution and uphold the rule of law. Failure to impeach the president would set a dangerous precedent and lead to erosion of standards in society. The representative encourages further communication through his website or by writing or calling.


The text discusses concerns over potential long-distance fees for Internet usage and the Social Security "notch" issue. It explains that the FCC's review of Reciprocal Compensation fees does not affect how consumers are billed for accessing the Internet. The text also emphasizes the importance of competition in the telecommunications industry and opposes legislation that could hinder growth and increase consumer prices. Additionally, the text addresses the Social Security "notch" issue and expresses understanding for the concerns of those affected.


The text is a response from a representative in to a constituent's concerns about gun fingerprinting and internet censorship. The representative acknowledges the importance of considering cost and constitutionality when implementing new proposals, expresses concern about the dangers of indecent material on the internet, and supports voluntary basic standards of decency to regulate access to such material. The representative also mentions supporting legislation to protect children from harmful online content.


The text discusses the Social Security "notch" issue, in which a formula error led to unfair benefits for certain recipients. Despite sympathizing with those affected, the author cannot support legislation that would jeopardize the Social Security Trust Fund. They also express support for lower taxes and mention efforts to reduce the tax burden for middle-income taxpayers. The author appreciates the reader's views on these issues.


The text discusses the issues of smoking, school choice, and abortion. It mentions legislation related to reducing teenage smoking and drug use, school choice reform in the District of Columbia, and the author's stance against abortion. The author emphasizes the importance of competition in improving education and argues against abortion based on the belief that life begins at conception. The author also condemns violent actions taken against abortion doctors and women seeking abortions.


The text discusses the impeachment trial of President Clinton and the author's belief in the importance of impeaching him to defend the Constitution. The author also mentions plans for legislation on tax cuts, education funding, missile defense, and Social Security reform. The author encourages communication with constituents and expresses appreciation for differing opinions.


The author expresses their support for the impeachment of President Bill Clinton, stating that it was necessary to uphold the rule of law and defend the Constitution. They argue that failing to impeach the president would set a dangerous precedent and erode standards in society. The author also addresses the issue of immigration, stating that they do not believe it is a problem and that immigrants contribute positively to society. They express appreciation for hearing from constituents and encourage continued communication.


The text is a response to a letter addressing questions about immigration, abortion, and the environment. The author supports legal immigration but crackdown on illegal immigration, opposes abortion due to belief that life begins at conception, and believes in balancing economic growth with environmental protection. The author also provides information on a bill they have sponsored and encourages visiting their website for more information on their positions.


The text discusses the impeachment of President Clinton and hate crimes legislation. The author voted in favor of impeaching Clinton, believing it was necessary to defend the Constitution and uphold the rule of law. They also express concerns about hate crimes legislation, believing that all violent crimes should be treated equally and swiftly punished. The author promises to keep the reader's views in mind if similar legislation is considered in the future.


The text discusses the controversy surrounding the use of United Nations membership dues to support family planning organizations that perform abortions. The 105th passed legislation allocating funds for international family planning organizations with restrictions on abortion-related activities. The President signed the bills into law, but further complications arose due to a veto on a State Department Authorization bill. As a result, the U.S. membership dues to the U.N. remain unpaid.


The text discusses the Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The author did not support ENDA as they believe it gives certain groups special protection based on behavior. They also express concerns about the IMF and the use of taxpayer funds, pushing for reforms within the organization before providing further funding. The author highlights recent reforms that have been implemented to increase transparency and accountability within the IMF. Despite initial opposition, the author acknowledges the need for funding the IMF due to strong support from the White House and Senate.


In 1998, the House of Representatives voted to approve articles of impeachment against President Clinton, with the author of the text voting in favor. The author believes it was necessary to impeach the president to uphold the rule of law and prevent setting a dangerous precedent. The author also discusses the issue of long-distance charges for Internet usage, clarifying that changes in FCC laws will not affect how consumers access the Internet. The author supports competition in the telecommunications industry and opposes legislation that restricts free competition.


In the letter, man Dick Armey discusses his concerns about the education system, highlighting the decline in test scores despite increased spending. He supports giving more control to local school districts and parents, as seen in his co-sponsorship of the Dollars to the Classroom Act. He also mentions efforts to pass tax relief legislation, but expresses disappointment in the Senate's lack of action. Armey remains committed to providing tax cuts and improving education in the future.


The text is a response from man Dick Armey to a constituent regarding the President's health care reform plan, gun control legislation, and NAFTA. Armey opposes the President's health care plan and supports alternative measures such as Medical Savings Accounts and other reforms to reduce health care costs. He also supports gun rights and NAFTA, arguing that NAFTA will create jobs and spur economic growth in the US. Armey encourages the constituent to reach out if they need further assistance.


The text is a letter from man Dick Armey to Betty Wymore, addressing her concerns about President Bill Clinton's inappropriate relationship with an intern and expressing support for the Child Online Protection Act. Armey also mentions the House Judiciary Committee's hearings on the matter and the passage of H.R. 4328, which includes the Child Online Protection Act. He emphasizes the importance of protecting children from harmful materials online and thanks Wymore for contacting him.


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Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center | University of Oklahoma