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Interior and Insular Affairs - Indian Nations Trail

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: James R. Jones Legislative Series


The text is a memo discussing the status of S. 1976 in Roy Taylor's subcommittee. The bill was passed by the Senate on Nov. 30, 1973 and referred to the House on Dec. 3, 1973. No action is anticipated before the end of the session, but hearings could be held if prioritized. The memo suggests contacting Taylor to inquire about the status and potentially push for action.


The text is a series of letters and articles discussing the need for a feasibility study of the Indian Nations Trail legislation, which would create a hiking trail in eastern Oklahoma. There is frustration over the lack of action on the bill and efforts being made by individuals and organizations to develop hiking trails in the state. The text also mentions the challenges and lack of facilities for hiking and backpacking in Oklahoma.


The letter is from Mr. Merritt Ford urging Congressman James R. Jones to support S. 1976, the Indian Nations Trail Bill. Congressman Jones acknowledges Mr. Ford's support for conservation and preservation of land and historical sites. He assures Mr. Ford that he will keep his views in mind when discussing the legislation in Committee and on the Floor of the House.


The text is a letter from James R. Jones to Robert Ferris regarding the rescheduling of a hearing on legislation to establish the National Trails System and the status of Senator Bellmon's legislation concerning the Illinois River. Jones expresses his commitment to attending the hearings and asks for Ferris's views on other issues before Congress. The text also includes a memorandum of a call from Ferris to Jones and provides contact information for further communication.


The Honorable James R. Jones received a letter from Robert A. Ferris, an attorney at law, thanking him for his support of legislation to establish an Indian Nations Trail in Oklahoma. The trail would link various scenic areas in eastern Oklahoma and provide opportunities for hiking and outdoor recreation. The bill has passed the U.S. Senate and is being considered in the House. Various organizations and groups are in support of the trail, which would showcase the natural beauty and historic sites of eastern Oklahoma.


The text is a series of letters and documents related to the proposed Indian Nations Trail study bill, S. 1976, and the support for the trail by various individuals and organizations. Congressman James R. Jones expresses his appreciation for the support and assures continued assistance for the project. Robert A. Ferris provides additional information and material in support of the trail, and discusses the inclusion of the Illinois River in the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System Act. The Inter-Tribal Council of the Five Civilized Tribes endorses the proposed National Trail in Eastern Oklahoma. The text also highlights concerns about the potential impact of development on the Illinois River's natural beauty and recreational possibilities.


The letter is addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Ferris, providing an update on the status of S. 1976 and proposals for including the Illinois River in the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. It mentions that S. 1976 was passed by the Senate and is now with the House Interior Committee for consideration. The letter also states that a draft bill will be submitted to Congress in mid-February to include the Illinois River in the national system. The writer expresses support for the Indian Nations Trail proposal and requests help in getting it through the House. Various organizations are mentioned as supporting S. 1976.


A letter from Kathryn Jones to Congressman James R. Jones urging support for Senate Bill S1976, which proposes a study of an Indian Nations national scenic trail in eastern Oklahoma. Jones highlights the benefits of the trail for outdoor enthusiasts and tourism, and requests expedited action on the bill.


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Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center | University of Oklahoma