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LaDonna Harris, Clippings, July, 1967-1973

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: LaDonna Harris, 1961-1972


The Morgan Community School in Washington, D.C. is having difficulty with its first year teachers, who lack experience. The school is also having trouble with discipline, as the educational philosophy of Antioch College, which runs the school, places emphasis on self-expression for children and is generally opposed to using physical force to control classes. Businessmen in the area are also trying to upgrade the neighborhood, but are met with opposition from some residents.


The Adams-Morgan Teen Service Center is trying to fill the void left when the Washington Summer Enrichment Program ended. La Von Bundy decided that teen-age girls needed more than the summer activities and should have a year-round center. Fun and games are good social outlets, she said, but they don't make women of girls or provide the motivation necessary to make it in this world. Mrs. Bundy outlined three initial aims of the center: To furnish a place where birth control information can be gathered and exchanged; to provide a referral service to direct the girls to authorized public agencies in the city or bring professionals into the center; and to teach such things as sewing and home economics. The group now faces the problem of where to get the $38,000 needed to run the center for a year. The idea for the center grew out of sewing classes held at the Morgan School last summer with funds provided through The New Thing, a black arts


The Oklahoma Ballerina Festival took place on Thursday night, featuring Oklahoma's four internationally-known Indian ballerinas. The event was preceded by numerous parties, and after the performance, the stars were entertained at a late supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Young.


This text discusses the role of women in the War on Poverty, specifically highlighting the work of Women in Community Service and Head Start. It argues that OEO (the Office of Economic Opportunity) has been an important champion for the poor and that the War on Poverty needs OEO's continued support.


The text describes a visit by Senator Harris to Morgan Elementary School, which is experimenting with a new program that includes a locally elected community school board. The children are excited and interested in the visitors, and the teacher is happy to have the opportunity to show off the program. However, Principal Haskins notes that there are some problems with the program, including a lack of experienced teachers. In the second half of the text, the author describes a number of upcoming events in the social lives of various wealthy individuals. These include a party for the Burtons, a wedding for Sir Francis Peake, and a possible summer trip to Malta for Prince Charles.


Mrs. Harris is writing to Mrs. Sprague to let her know that she is coming to Oklahoma and would like to make a tape for PTA Pointers. She says that she has been meaning to do it for a year, but hasn't been able to yet. Mrs. Harris is coming home on November 2nd, but says she is too busy to do it then. She says she will be home for Thanksgiving and will let Mrs. Sprague know if they can work something out then.


The text is an invitation from Jean Sprague to La Denna to be a guest on PTA Pointers, a show that Sprague tapes at the Oklahoma City studio. Sprague says that they can meet in Norman at the studio, and that she will make arrangements with the other studio if Denna can arrange any of the times mentioned. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the role and importance of the PTA program in Oklahoma and its national effects.


The Morgan Community School in Washington, D.C., is an experimental school that is having trouble with staffing and community involvement. The principal says that the school will fail unless major changes are made. The main problems are that the school needs more experienced teachers, and there is limited community involvement in the school's affairs.


Mrs. Markel wrote to Mrs. Harris to tell her about her story in the July issue of Palm Beach Life on the First Lady's Brunch. Mrs. Harris appreciated the thoughtfulness and looks forward to reading the column.


The writer has a picture of Harris and Tony from their first Labby's brunch, and they would like a copy of it from the magazine.


LaDonna Harris, wife of Oklahoma senator Harris, recently gave a speech urging support for the programs sponsored by the Office of Economic Opportunity (Office of Economic Opportunity.). Mrs. Harris spoke of her personal experiences observing the positive effects of the programs, particularly on young people and minorities. She concluded by saying that people can support the Office of Economic Opportunity. by becoming involved in its programs.


The article discusses the meeting of the National Council on Indian Opportunity, a White House panel consisting of six Native American leaders, and the hope of these leaders that the Nixon administration will take concrete action to improve the lives of Native Americans. The leaders presented a list of 50 requests for assistance, ranging from more funding for education to the creation of a new position within the Department of the Interior specifically for Native American affairs. Agnew instructed the Secretaries of Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, Housing and Urban Development, and Health, Education and Welfare to provide responses to these requests within 30 days. Mrs. LaDonna Harris, one of the Native American leaders on the panel, emphasized the importance of the next meeting of the panel, after the 30-day deadline, in determining whether the Nixon administration is sincere in its pledges to help improve the lives of Native Americans.


This text discusses the work of LaDonna Harris and her organization, Oklahomans for Indian Opportunity (Oklahoman's for Indian Opportunity). The organization is designed to help Native Americans in Oklahoma participate in existing state and federal benefit programs. It also provides training and education opportunities for young people. Harris believes that many agencies designed to help alleviate poverty have become ineffective and need to be reformed.


LaDonna Harris, wife of Oklahoma's U.S. Senator Fred Harris, is attending the Alaska Centennial Exposition at Fairbanks. Vice President Hubert Humphrey is also attending the event and is shown in the photo rocking a pan in a gold mining area. The Harrises are accompanying the vice president on his tour of the state.


This text contains a series of anecdotes about people struggling with technology. In the first story, a young boy is scolded by his mother for touching his aunt's snapdragons. In the second story, a guest speaker at a university is criticized for his lies. In the third story, a child is warned by his father not to hold a lighted firecracker in his hand. In the fourth story, city officials are inspecting a swimming pool and comment on the sun shades. In the fifth story, a woman praises her friend for originating a program. In the sixth story, a man is struggling with his typewriter ribbon.


The United States Senate released a memo in July 1967 detailing the performance of then-Sheriff Claude Johnson at the First Ladies' Brandeis Luncheon. According to the memo, Johnson was praised for his handling of the event and the ladies in attendance were very pleased with his work.


The governor of Oklahoma has proclaimed October 15-21 to be Indian Achievement Week, during which time a series of activities will be held statewide to celebrate the accomplishments and contributions of the state's Indian citizens. On Thursday of that week, Oklahomans for Indian Opportunity will present awards to individuals and communities who have worked to improve communication between Indians and non-Indians. A conference on Indian Achievement will be held on October 21, and Dean Krekel will give a address at a Town Hall event.


The Harrises visited an experimental school in Washington, D.C. that is using a new teaching system. The system groups children in classrooms set up in clusters of four, and each group is taught by a team of teachers and interns. The school's new principal, Kenneth Haskins, told the Harrises that the school's goal is to give their children a good education.


Mrs. Fred R. Harris, wife of the Senator from Oklahoma, appreciates the convenience of 24 hour prescription service at Peoples, located at 4709 Lee Highway, Arlington.


The text is a letter from Martha J. Newman to Mrs. Fred R. Harris, in which she thanks Harris for her visit to Seoul and Yankee Hostel and encloses photographs taken during the visit.


Mrs. Fred R. Harris has given Mrs. Dwight Vandenbark permission to use a picture of the two of them together, and has also provided a signed release and a biographical sketch.


The text contains a request for information on Mrs. Dwight Vandenbark, along with her address. The sender thanks the recipient in advance for their help.


Joan Larson, acting director of community relations for VISTA, writes to Fred Harris, president of LH, thanking him for the interview and expressing her desire to accompany him on his next trip to Oklahoma to take on-the-site photographs.


Bill Glover, an Oklahoma Native American, spoke out against discrimination against Native Americans at a vocational guidance institute sponsored by the Tulsa Employers' Association. He said that many Native Americans are held back by poverty and poor health, and that the image of Native Americans as drunken and lazy is unfair. Some of Glover's audience disagreed with him, but others said they had never heard of discrimination against Native Americans until Glover spoke about it.


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Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center | University of Oklahoma