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Correspondence, Federal Government, Congress

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Correspondence


The text discusses the retirement and pension plans for members of , including the different options available and how they are funded. The author expresses understanding of concerns about these programs and mentions opposing excessive perks for . They mention a bill that will change retirement rules for new members and staff. The author pledges to examine ional pensions and make spending cuts in the federal government.


The text discusses the issue of members of convicted of felonies receiving taxpayer-funded pensions and introduces H.R. 2244, the ional Pension Forfeiture Act, which aims to deny retirement benefits to members and staff who commit felonies while in office. man Dick Armey expresses support for the bill and states that it will help restore public trust in . Additionally, it is mentioned that the bill will likely be considered during the July "Reform" week.


The text is a response to a request for information about the first comprehensive audit of House operations and finances. The audit found problems with financial management, internal controls, and security. Recommendations have been implemented to address these issues, and further audits will be conducted to prevent recurrence. The goal is to achieve a responsible, accountable, and efficient federal government.


The text is a response from man Dick Armey regarding support for term limitations. Armey believes that term limits are necessary to prevent career politicians from gaining too much power and influence. He voted in favor of a term limits constitutional amendment, but it did not pass. He expresses disappointment but assures that the issue will be revisited in the future.


The letter is from man Dick Armey in support of term limitations for Members of . He voted for a constitutional amendment to limit tenure to twelve years, but it did not pass. Armey believes term limits are necessary to prevent career politicians from gaining too much power. He mentions a recent Supreme Court decision that struck down states' ability to limit ional tenures, making it more important to pass a constitutional amendment. Armey assures the recipient that the issue will be revisited in the next .


The text is a response from man Dick Armey to a constituent regarding concerns about Speaker Gingrich and the ban on certain guns. Armey expresses support for the new majority in and the "Contract With America", as well as his belief in the Second Amendment and the rights of law-abiding citizens to bear arms. He emphasizes the need to focus on punishing criminals rather than restricting the rights of citizens, and expresses support for stronger measures to battle crime. Armey also mentions his willingness to assist the constituent in the future.


The text is a response from man Dick Armey to a supporter of term limits and the flat tax. Armey expresses his support for term limits and discusses the recent vote on a term limits constitutional amendment in . He also mentions plans to reintroduce the Freedom and Fairness Restoration Act for the flat tax. Armey thanks the supporter for contacting him.


Dick Armey, a member of , thanks a constituent for their concerns about effectively communicating the truth about 's actions. He highlights the accomplishments of passing legislative items and balancing the budget, and assures that efforts are being made to save the Medicare program. Armey believes that the public is able to discern truth from falsehood and that public opinion is in favor of their efforts.


The text is a response from man Dick Armey to a constituent regarding ional reform efforts, including lobby, gift, and campaign finance reform. Armey highlights the reforms already implemented to make more accountable and efficient. He expresses support for further reforms, such as campaign finance limitations and lobby and gift reform, and indicates a willingness to work on bipartisan legislation in the future.


The author supports term limitations for politicians, believing that career politicians are detrimental to the well-being of the nation. They recently voted in favor of a term limits constitutional amendment in , but it did not pass. The author assures the reader that they will continue to consider term limits in the future.


The text is a response from man Dick Armey thanking the recipient for their support of the ional Accountability Act. The Act aims to ensure accountability in and has led to various reforms including an audit of the House's financial records, elimination of committees and subcommittees, and changes to committee staffing and procedures. Armey expresses appreciation for the recipient's support and commitment to bringing true reform to .


The text discusses the ethics charges against Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, suggesting they are politically motivated. Most of the charges have been dismissed, with one remaining regarding the tax-exempt status of non-profit foundations supporting a college course he taught. The process for investigating the charges is working, and the Speaker has the support of the writer, man Dick Armey.


The text is a response from man Dick Armey in support of 12-year term limits for Members of . Armey agrees with the need to eliminate career politicians and believes term limits will help bring in citizen politicians who are more focused on serving the nation. He mentions that there will be votes on different versions of a proposed Constitutional amendment, but he will support whichever bill comes up for final passage.


The text is a response from man Dick Armey regarding concerns about former Senator Bob Packwood receiving a federal pension despite allegations of sexual misconduct and obstruction of justice. Armey explains that there is no provision under current law to prevent Packwood from collecting his pension.


The text is a response from man Dick Armey to constituents who have expressed their views on Representative Newt Gingrich as Speaker of the House for the 105th . Armey praises Gingrich's leadership and accomplishments in reducing the deficit and enacting important reforms, despite facing political attacks from House Democrats. Armey expresses support for Gingrich's re-election and thanks the constituents for sharing their views.


The text discusses ethics charges against Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, stating that opponents are using them to distract from the legislative agenda. The majority of charges have been dismissed, with one remaining related to tax-exempt status of foundations supporting a college course. The Speaker has cooperated with the investigation and requested the release of the Interim Report. The writer believes the charges are politically motivated but supports the Speaker.


The text discusses ethics charges against Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, stating that they are politically motivated. The House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct dismissed 64 out of 65 charges, with the remaining charge being investigated further. The writer, Member of Dick Armey, expresses support for the Speaker and believes the charges are an attempt to distract from the legislative agenda.


The text discusses the appointment of a new House Chaplain, Father Daniel Coughlin, by Speaker Dennis Hastert. It addresses allegations of anti-Catholic bias in the selection process and clarifies that the selection was based on the qualifications of the candidates. Rev. Charles Wright was initially chosen as the nominee but stepped aside due to controversy, leading to Father Coughlin's appointment. The text emphasizes the importance of spiritual guidance in the House and expresses hope for unity and civility moving forward.


The text is a response from man Dick Armey regarding concerns about ional pensions. He mentions that has passed legislation to address the issue, specifically H.R. 1327, which aims to equalize retirement benefits for members of and other federal employees. Armey expresses his support for this provision and thanks the individual for contacting him.


The text discusses the ional reforms implemented by the 104th , including reducing the size of , making politicians more accountable, and implementing new rules such as requiring a three-fifths vote for income tax increases. It also mentions ongoing efforts to bring more extensive reforms to , including overhauling lobbying, gift, and campaign finance laws. The author, Dick Armey, assures the reader that their views will be considered and thanks them for contacting his office.


The text discusses the government shutdown and the refusal of President Clinton to sign continuing resolutions for temporary funding. It mentions the furlough of federal workers and the commitment of to balancing the federal budget. It also addresses the issue of ional pay during the shutdown and the promise to restore back pay to furloughed workers. man Dick Armey expresses gratitude for the contact and emphasizes the importance of fiscal responsibility in Washington.


The author, Dick Armey, responds to an inquiry about the size of his ional staff, explaining that he did not increase his staff when assuming a leadership position. He mentions the need for more staff to handle constituent inquiries due to a large number of constituents. Armey also discusses efforts to reduce waste and reform , including auditing financial records, reducing committee structure and staffing, and implementing term limits for committee chairmen. He concludes by thanking the inquirer for contacting him.


The text explains the history and details of ional retirement pensions and Social Security benefits for members of . It clarifies misconceptions about preferential treatment and outlines the different pension options available to federal employees. It also highlights the unique circumstances of members of in terms of their employment tenure and retirement age. The letter is a response to concerns raised by a constituent and assures them of the accuracy and fairness of the pension system for members of .


In 1996, Member of Dick Armey discusses ional reforms that have been implemented, including requiring to live under the laws it imposes on others, cutting committee staff, abolishing committees and subcommittees, imposing term limits on committee chairmen, banning gifts to lawmakers and staff, and passing lobby reform legislation. He also mentions efforts to address ional pay and pensions, including freezing pay for members of . The new majority in is committed to continuing reforms to change the way Capitol Hill operates.


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Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center | University of Oklahoma