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Post Office and Civil Service, January-September

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: James R. Jones Legislative Series


The Wildlife Conservation Commission in Oklahoma is requesting support for H.R. 17620, which deals with second class postal rates for state agency conservation magazines, from Congressman James R. Jones. The letter is signed by Mutt Standefer, the Director of the Department of Wildlife Conservation.


The letter is thanking Mr. Standefer for his support of a bill regarding second-class postal rates for state agency conservation magazines. The bill was pending in the previous Congress and if reintroduced in the new Congress, it will receive favorable consideration. Signed by James R. Jones, Member of Congress.

The letter is a response from Congressman James R. Jones to Edward L. Allison regarding pension adjustments for government retirees. The text discusses how the adjustments are made based on the cost of living and how the formula can result in overpayments to retirees. It also mentions the potential costs to taxpayers and the need for Congress to reevaluate the system. The text also includes information about a regional convention of the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International and bids for grazing leases on land in Washington County.


The letter is from Congressman James R. Jones in response to a letter from Mr. Orsbon Hawkins, Sr., regarding the President's proposed 5% ceiling on pension and salary increases for Federal employees and retirees. Jones does not expect Congress to permit the lower ceiling on pension benefits, but there is support for the salary limitation. Jones appreciates Hawkins' comments and will keep them in mind as the matter is decided by the House of Representatives. Hawkins had urged Jones to oppose the 5% ceiling and support legislation giving Postal and Federal employees the right to select their own representatives in grievances.


The letter is a response from Congressman James R. Jones to Arthur Marion Smith regarding President Ford's proposed ceiling on federal pension and salary increases. Jones expresses his intention to work against the five percent ceiling on pension benefits, but is inclined to support a five percent increase ceiling on government employee salaries. Smith then responds, expressing his disagreement with the proposed limitations and arguing that retired and elderly citizens should not be limited to a five percent increase in benefits while costs are rising. Smith asks for Jones' support in fighting against the proposed limitations.


The letter is from David N. Henderson, thanking James for his support in his election to the Chairmanship of the House Post Office and Civil Service Committee. Henderson assures James that he will conduct the Committee's work in accordance with Caucus rules and will work diligently to improve postal and civil service systems. Henderson welcomes James' suggestions and recommendations.


The text is a thank you letter from James R. Jones, a Member of Congress, to John Meek, Ken Mathis, and Bill Damper for their communication urging support for a pay raise for federal employees. Jones mentions that the House Post Office and Civil Service Committee will be considering the pay raise and that he will follow their action closely. The letter expresses appreciation for the input from the federal employees.


Mr. Daryl Cook wrote a letter to Congressman James R. Jones expressing his concerns about the deteriorating postal services after the Postal Reorganization Act of 1972. He believes that the Postal Service is not providing efficient, high quality, and inexpensive service. Congressman Jones informed Mr. Cook that the House Post Office Committee is considering various legislative measures to improve the situation, including amendments to the Postal Reorganization Act. Mr. Cook suggested returning the Postal Service to its former status as a Department of the Executive Branch. Congressman Jones assured Mr. Cook that he will support measures to improve postal services.


The text is a response from Congressman James R. Jones to a letter from Gary K. Rice suggesting a new policy to help prevent future increases in postage rates. Jones agrees with Rice's concerns and mentions that the House Post Office Committee is considering amendments to the Postal Reorganization Act to address Postal Service problems. Jones appreciates Rice sharing his thoughts and will make sure his suggestion is known to those working on legislation. Rice had suggested reducing mail delivery to business customers to three days a week and residential customers to three days a week to save costs.


The text is a correspondence between Major General John Coffey, Jr. and Congressman James R. Jones regarding the Technician Retirement Bill, H.R. 100, which was reported out of the House Post Office and Civil Service Committee as S. 584. Coffey requests Jones' support for the bill as it reaches the floor of the House for a vote, emphasizing the importance of providing full retirement credit for National Guard Technicians. Jones assures Coffey that he will keep his thoughts in mind and thanks him for bringing the matter to his attention.


A group of postal supervisors in Tulsa, Oklahoma is seeking support for a bill granting arbitration rights to postal supervisors. They are asking Congressman Jim Jones for assistance in passing House Bill H.R. 5665. The mailgram was transmitted by Western Union and includes contact information for responding by mailgram or phone.

The letter is from Jack A. Presley to Congressman James R. Jones, urging support for an 8.66% pay raise for federal employees, instead of the 5% raise proposed by President Ford. Presley argues that federal workers should not be made an example and should receive a raise comparable to private industry standards. Congressman Jones appreciates the input and states that the issue will be considered in Congress.


Mrs. Eleva M. Wise wrote a letter to Congressman James R. Jones urging support for Bill HR-5397, which would authorize government retirement after thirty years of service. Congressman Jones responded, thanking Mrs. Wise for her support and informing her that the bill has been approved by the House Post Office and Civil Service Committee and will next be considered by the full House. He expressed appreciation for her communication and stated that he values her opinions as he works to represent her in Congress.


The text includes a letter from James R. Jones, a Member of Congress, responding to a constituent's concerns about the deteriorating quality of postal delivery service. Jones mentions a bill that has been completed to amend the Postal Reorganization Act in order to improve the Postal Service. Additionally, there is a letter to the editor discussing the issue of free government mail and its impact on the Postal Service's financial situation. Lastly, there is a transmittal memo from Leslie L. Conner, an attorney, requesting information from James.


The letter is from James R. Jones, a member of Congress, responding to a letter from Donald G. Potter regarding three bills affecting Postal Service employees. The bills are at various stages of Congressional consideration, with one bill allowing federal and postal employees to participate in politics, another bill making alterations to the Postal Service, and a third bill exempting the first $5,000 earned by retirees from taxation. Jones appreciates Potter's input and will consider his views as the bills progress.


Congressman James R. Jones responds to a letter from Mrs. Jas L Ward regarding H.R. 7222, a bill to increase the Federal contribution to employees' group life insurance and add tax exemptions on the first $1000 in a savings account. He informs her that the bill failed to pass with the necessary 2/3 margin, but is pending in the Rules Committee. Jones mentions introducing legislation in line with Ward's suggestion to exempt the first $1000 in a savings account from taxes. He assures Ward that her views are valuable as he represents her in Congress.


Orsbon Hawkins, Sr., President of Tulsa Local 914 N.A.P.F.E., wrote a letter to Congressman James R. Jones expressing support for H.R. 5023, a bill for collective bargaining representation for postal employees. Congressman Jones thanked Hawkins for his support and informed him that the bill is pending in a subcommittee with no scheduled action at the time. Congressman Jones also mentioned that he values Hawkins' views on the legislation. Hawkins urged Congressman Jones to support the bill during hearings tentatively set for early September.


Mrs. Nat C. Wilson wrote a letter to Congressman James R. Jones urging him to support Bill H.R. 5665, which would establish an arbitration board to settle disputes between the Postal Service and supervisory organizations. Congressman Jones thanked Mrs. Wilson for her letter and assured her that he would keep her concerns in mind when the legislation comes before the House.


The letter is from James R. Jones, a Member of Congress, to J.B. Ray regarding legislation for greater retirement opportunities for certain employees of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Jones informs Ray of the bills introduced in the House of Representatives and promises to work towards prompt and favorable passage of the legislation. Jones also mentions that hearings on the legislation will begin after the August Congressional recess.


Mr. Mason wrote to Representative James R. Jones expressing his concerns about the postal system and the increasing postal rates. He mentioned an essay in Time magazine that discussed the issue and questioned whether the postal service should be self-sustaining or subsidized by the government. Mr. Mason urged Representative Jones to consider these factors when voting on legislation related to the postal service. Representative Jones responded, thanking Mr. Mason for his thoughts and informing him about H.R. 8603, which provides subsidies to the United States Postal Service. Representative Jones promised to take Mr. Mason's opinion into account when representing the citizens of the First District.


The text is a series of correspondence and newspaper clippings discussing concerns about the U.S. Postal Service, including issues with service in Tulsa, rising wages for postal employees, and the impact of welfare programs on the economy. Members of Congress and postal union leaders are mentioned in the discussions. There is also mention of a new labor agreement for postal workers that is expected to lead to an increase in mailing costs. Additionally, the text includes remarks from Caspar W. Weinberger about the growth of the welfare system and the need for reform.


The letter is from James R. Jones, a Member of Congress, thanking Warren T. Basore for sharing his views on a bill regarding government retirement after thirty years of service. Jones assures Basore that he will consider his views when voting on the legislation. Basore expressed concern about the impact of the bill on government employees and suggested that the government should not lose valuable employees in favor of less productive ones. Jones acknowledges the concerns raised by Basore and appreciates his input.


Ms. Mildred Magruder expresses concern about increasing postage rates and deteriorating postal service in a letter to Congressman James R. Jones. She mentions the impact of the Postal Reorganization Act of 1972 and the need for legislative amendments to address the issues. Congressman Jones responds, acknowledging the problems and assuring her of his support for measures to improve postal delivery service and keep postage rates down.


Ms. Cynthia G. Thomas wrote to Congressman James R. Jones suggesting that instead of giving Congress an increase in salary, they should focus on reforming the tax laws to benefit the middle and working class people. Congressman Jones responded by thanking her for her suggestions and assuring her that he will work towards meaningful tax reform that will benefit those groups. He also mentioned that he voted against pay raises for Congress, the Judiciary, and certain government employees.


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Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center | University of Oklahoma