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Indian Affairs, Institute of the Southern Plains, 1973 Aug. - 1978 Sept., 1978

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Subject


The Institute of Southern Plains (ISP) in Hammon, Oklahoma is a school for Indian students that was established in response to discrimination and mistreatment of Indian students in the public school. The ISP has seen an increase in enrollment from last year, with 85 students currently enrolled in preschool through 12th grade. The school is funded by the BIA, JOM, Ford Foundation, Hearst Foundation, HEW, and the Swedish American Foundation, totaling $202,774 for FY 1977. The ISP is managed by a six member Board, five of whom are selected by the parents and one by the Cheyenne-Arapaho tribes of Oklahoma.


The text contains a letter from the Bureau of Indian Affairs to the Western Union Indian Affairs program, requesting an extension of their contracts. The letter cites several reasons for the request, including failure to pay bills and develop a viable financial accounting system.


The Institute of the Southern Plains is requesting $10,000 for research and travel related to developing and implementing an educational program for the Hammon community in Oklahoma. The program is intended to meet the needs and aspirations of the community's Native American population.


The letter is from a group of Indian people living in the Hammon community who are concerned about the way funds are being used at the Institute of the Southern Plains. They feel that only a small minority group of Indians are benefiting from the school, and that the school is not providing a proper education. They also believe that the school is misusing funds, and that the government is not aware of how the money is being spent.


The text describes the process for setting up a meeting between the Senate Armed Services Committee and representatives from the town of Hammon, Oklahoma. The goal of the meeting is to create more harmony within the community.


The Department of the Interior's Bureau of Indian Affairs is responsible for monitoring the contract between the Institute of the Southern Plains and the Hammon, Oklahoma school district. The Institute of the Southern Plains is a private school for Indian children that is funded by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The school is currently in its second year of operation and is providing sports, cultural enrichment, and recreational consultation and evaluation services to 80 Indian children in grades K-3.


The text contains a letter from John Ramsey to Dewey Bartlett, in which Ramsey discusses his efforts to obtain employment in the field of Indian education or political science. Bartlett has referred Ramsey's letter to the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Office of Indian Education, and has asked them to provide assistance to Ramsey in his job search.


The text describes the history of the Institute of the Southern Plains, Inc., a school for Indian children in Hammon, Oklahoma. The school was founded in 1973, and has received funding from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) over the years. However, the school has faced challenges due to its small size and lack of resources. Senator Henry Balloon of Oklahoma is currently working to try to resolve the situation.


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Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center | University of Oklahoma