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Correspondence, Judiciary

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Correspondence


The text is a response from Member of Dick Armey to a constituent expressing anger over the mistreatment of Justice Clarence Thomas during his confirmation process. Armey agrees with the constituent's sentiments, criticizing the leaking of the FBI report and unfair treatment of Thomas by Senators and special interest groups. Armey supported Thomas's nomination and is pleased that he has been confirmed as an Associate Justice. He thanks the constituent for their views and offers to help in the future.


The text is a response from man Dick Armey to a supporter of liability law reform. Armey agrees with the need for reform due to the excessive costs imposed by current laws. He has introduced a bill, H.R. 3375, that aims to reduce consumer prices by requiring lawsuits to be brought in the state where the product was purchased. The bill also aims to prevent frivolous lawsuits and award punitive damages to a special fund for crime victims. Armey acknowledges concerns about federal overreach and assures that his bill only applies in cases where plaintiffs and defendants reside in different states.


The author of the text supports the appointment of Clarence Thomas to the United States Supreme Court, citing his qualifications and belief in judicial restraint. The author criticizes Justices Brennan and Marshall for interpreting the Constitution based on personal beliefs rather than what is written in the text. The author believes that Supreme Court Justices should interpret the Constitution as written and not impose their personal beliefs. The author also values Thurgood Marshall's work but believes that Supreme Court Justices should be impartial judges, not crusaders.


The text is a response from man Dick Armey to a constituent expressing support for H.R. 5828, a bill amending private enforcement of federal securities laws. Armey discusses the changes the bill would bring and his support for reforming liability laws. He also mentions his own bill, H.R. 3375, which aims to reduce consumer prices by preventing frivolous lawsuits and awarding punitive damages to the Crime Victims' Fund. Armey thanks the constituent for their support and input.


The text is a response from man Dick Armey to a letter about the Jonathan Pollard case. Armey believes Pollard's punishment was justified for spying for a foreign government and believes it sends a strong message to potential spies. He thanks the writer for their views and offers assistance in the future.


The text is a response from man Dick Armey to a constituent expressing opposition to releasing Jonathan Pollard from jail. Armey agrees with the constituent and believes that those who compromise national security should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. He states that Pollard should remain in jail for a long time and thanks the constituent for contacting him. Armey offers to help the constituent in the future and signs off respectfully.


The text is a response from man Dick Armey to a constituent who expressed concerns about the legal profession. Armey agrees with the constituent about the issue of frivolous lawsuits and the need for attorneys who file groundless suits to be held accountable. He is hesitant to support federal legislation on the matter, preferring local and state jurisdictions to address the problem. Armey expresses hope that the trend of attorneys being assessed fees for frivolous suits will lead to fewer such cases in the future. He thanks the constituent for reaching out and offers further assistance if needed.


The text is a response from man Dick Armey to a letter expressing dismay with special prosecutor Lawrence Walsh and the Iran-Contra hearings. Armey believes there was a miscarriage of justice and feels that the situation should be put to rest to stop wasting taxpayer money. He mentions Colonel North and his legal troubles, and offers to help in the future.


The text is a response from man Dick Armey to a letter expressing opposition to unethical tactics used by lawyers to obtain clients. Armey acknowledges the concerns but states that he has no jurisdiction over legislation to regulate lawyers in Texas and suggests contacting local representatives. He shares the sender's distaste for unethical lawyer behavior and promises to keep their views in mind if legislation related to the issue comes before the House. Armey also offers assistance if needed.


Dick Armey thanks the recipient for their support and discusses the redistricting plan that will affect his representation after the 1992 elections. He shares his views on product liability laws and introduces a bill to reduce consumer prices by preventing frivolous lawsuits and awarding punitive damages to the Crime Victims Fund. Armey addresses concerns about federal liability reform and states that his bill only applies in certain instances. He expresses appreciation for the recipient's views and offers assistance in the future.


The text is a response from man Dick Armey to a letter expressing opposition to proposed Rule 30(b)(2) regarding depositions in Federal Court. Armey explains the process for creating federal court rules and recommends contacting the Rules Committee Support Office with concerns. He provides the address for the office and offers assistance in the future.


The author received a letter from someone who claims to have been denied their Constitutional rights and asked for help. The author, a Member of , offered to look into the case if more information is provided and encouraged the sender to reach out for assistance in the future.


The text is a response from man Dick Armey to a constituent expressing opposition to H.R. 3204, a bill implementing a royalty system and copy management system for digital audio recording. Armey shares concerns about the legislation, particularly regarding royalties being distributed to unrelated groups and technical issues. He thanks the constituent for their input and promises to consider their views if the bill goes to a vote.


The text is a response from man Dick Armey regarding the National Voter Registration Act. Armey expresses disagreement with the act, citing concerns about requiring recipients of social programs to register to vote, potential for fraud, and lack of regulation. He reassures the sender that he is seeking reforms in voter registration and will consider their views on the legislation.


The author expresses a negative opinion about the American Civil Liberties Union, disagreeing with their stance on drug legalization, metal detectors in airports, the pledge of allegiance, and the death penalty. They believe that the Supreme Court should interpret the Constitution, not create new rights, and that most public policy issues should be resolved by elected legislatures. They also criticize the ACLU for claiming laws are unconstitutional when they are not. The author appreciates the reader's views and offers assistance in the future.


The text is a response from man Dick Armey regarding concerns about the Supreme Court decision allowing flag burning. Armey believes that while First Amendment rights should be protected, burning the American flag should be prohibited. He criticizes the Court for making laws instead of interpreting them and discusses his support for a Constitutional amendment to prevent the Court from legislating non-existent rights. He also mentions his opposition to a 1989 bill on flag burning.


The text is a response to a constituent expressing opposition to H.R. 4079, which was falsely believed to suspend certain provisions of the Bill of Rights. The response clarifies that the bill does not suspend any provisions of the Constitution and instead focuses on increasing penalties for drug sellers and expanding the death penalty for violent criminals. The response emphasizes the importance of upholding the Constitution and addresses concerns about excessive habeas corpus applications clogging the justice system. The man assures the constituent that he would never support legislation that suspends the Constitution.


The text is a response from Dick Armey to a constituent expressing opposition to the Clarence Thomas nomination and support for judges "legislating from the bench." Armey disagrees with the constituent, stating that he supports Judge Thomas because he believes in judicial restraint and interpreting the Constitution as written. Armey criticizes Justices Brennan and Marshall for substituting their personal beliefs for the Constitution and believes that Supreme Court Justices should be impartial judges, not crusaders. He thanks the constituent for contacting him and offers assistance in the future.


The letter is a response from man Dick Armey to a constituent expressing support for impeachment proceedings against Robert Collins for accepting a bribe. Armey agrees that if true, it would be sufficient grounds for impeachment. He also mentions his support for integrity in government and his past support for impeachment proceedings against another judge convicted of accepting a bribe. Armey plans to contact the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee to inquire about impeachment proceedings against Collins. He thanks the constituent for contacting him and offers future assistance.


The author apologizes for the delayed response and acknowledges disappointment in a recent Supreme Court decision striking down New York state's "Son of Sam" law. They agree with the law's intent to prevent convicted felons from profiting from their crimes and express hope for future rulings under Justice Thomas. The author offers assistance and thanks the reader for contacting their office.


Dick Armey, a member of , responds to a letter expressing support for impeachment proceedings against Robert Collins for accepting a bribe. Armey agrees that if true, this would be sufficient grounds for impeachment. He mentions his support for integrity in government and his previous support for impeachment proceedings against another judge convicted of a bribe. Armey plans to contact the Judiciary Committee Chairman to inquire about impeachment proceedings against Collins. He thanks the writer for contacting him and offers future assistance.


The author agrees that lawyers are important in society but believes that liability laws are burdening society. They specifically mention the need for medical malpractice laws to be reformed to reduce healthcare costs. The author, who is not a lawyer, acknowledges that has contributed to the problem and expresses a willingness to help in the future.


The text is a response from man Dick Armey regarding concerns about the FBI tapping telephone lines. He acknowledges the issue and states that he has not made a decision on which legislation to support. Armey believes in the importance of the FBI being able to wiretap criminals while also preserving the privacy of individuals. He assures the sender that their concerns will be taken into consideration when the issue is brought to the House for consideration.


The text is a response from man Dick Armey to a concerned constituent about Arlington being divided into multiple ional districts. Armey explains that the redistricting process was controlled by Democrats in Austin, who gerrymandered the state to protect their incumbents. He expresses disappointment in the outcome but clarifies that Republicans had no control over the process. Armey thanks the constituent for reaching out and offers assistance in the future.


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Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center | University of Oklahoma