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Veterans Affairs - Disability Compensation

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: James R. Jones Legislative Series


The text is a response from Congressman James R. Jones to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Claeys regarding their support for increasing veterans' disability compensation. Jones acknowledges their communication and informs them that the bills they mentioned, H.R. 11469 and S. 2710, are pending in the House and Senate Committees on Veterans Affairs. He assures them that he will follow the progress of the bills and be responsive to the needs of veterans. The Claeys had expressed their concerns about the rising cost of living and the struggles faced by veterans. Jones expresses his appreciation for their input and assures them of his efforts to support veterans.


Mr. Williams wrote to Congressman James R. Jones asking for support for bills HR-11469 and S-2710 to increase veterans' disability compensation. Congressman Jones responded, acknowledging the request and stating that he will follow the progress of the bills in committee and do his best to be responsive to the needs of veterans.


Mr. Ruffin wrote to Congressman Jones urging his support for legislation to increase veterans' disability compensation. Congressman Jones responded, informing Mr. Ruffin about two bills in Congress related to the issue and stating that he will follow their progress and be responsive to the needs of veterans.


Mr. Oren L. Smock requested information regarding a bill to increase disability compensation for disabled veterans. Congressman James R. Jones provided him with a copy of H.R. 11469 and informed him that the House Veterans Affairs Committee would begin hearings on the bill soon. Smock thanked Jones for his assistance.


The text is a response from James R. Jones, a member of Congress, to a letter from S.E. Ashford, a Disabled American Veteran, regarding legislation to increase veterans' disability compensation. Jones acknowledges Ashford's concerns and explains the status of the bills (H.R. 11469, S. 2710, and H.R. 2983) in the House and Senate Committees on Veterans' Affairs. Jones promises to follow the progress of the bills and be responsive to the needs of veterans.


The letter is a response from Congressman James R. Jones to Sherman Alderson, acknowledging receipt of his letter urging support for upcoming veterans' bills. Congressman Jones expresses appreciation for the concern and assures Alderson that he will carefully consider the bills and continue to be responsive to the needs of veterans.


The letter is a response from Congressman James R. Jones to Edward Dorsey's request for support of H.R. 11469 and S. 2710 to increase veterans' disability compensation. Congressman Jones acknowledges the request and informs Dorsey that both bills are pending in the relevant committees, with H.R. 11469 scheduled to be considered during the current session. Jones assures Dorsey that he will follow the progress of the bills and be responsive to the needs of veterans when the issue of compensation arises in the House of Representatives.


The letter is from a disabled veteran urging support for H.R. 11469 and S. 2710 to increase veterans' disability compensation. The response from James R. Jones indicates that the bills are pending in committees, with H.R. 11469 scheduled to be considered at a later date. Jones appreciates the veteran's interest and assures that he will follow the progress of the bills and be responsive to the needs of veterans.


The recipient of the letter, Congressman James R. Jones, acknowledges Mr. Comfort's concerns regarding H.R. 11469 and issues concerning the armed forces. Jones assures Comfort that he will follow the progress of the bill in Committee and be responsive to the needs of veterans. He also mentions his support for efforts to account for Missing in Action soldiers from Vietnam and his dedication to maintaining a strong national defense. Jones appreciates Comfort sharing his thoughts and assures him that he will work towards addressing his concerns.


The letter is from James R. Jones, in response to a request for support for bills H.R. 11469 and S. 2710 to increase veterans' disability compensation. Jones acknowledges the interest in the matter and states that the bills are pending before committees, with action expected in the future. He assures that he will follow the progress of the bills and be responsive to the needs of veterans. Additionally, the letter includes a message from a disabled veteran urging support for the bills due to the impact of inflation on disability compensation.


The text is a response from Congressman James R. Jones to a letter from Mr. William B. Lindley urging support for legislation to increase veterans' disability compensation. Congressman Jones acknowledges the concern and informs Mr. Lindley that the bills are pending in the respective committees. He assures Mr. Lindley that he will follow the progress of the bills and be responsive to the needs of veterans. The text also includes a request from Mr. Lindley for Congressman Jones to introduce legislation to support the bills and to prevent any reduction in personal compensation due to an increase in social security benefits.


Mr. Barr wrote to Congressman James R. Jones urging support for legislation to increase veterans' disability compensation. Congressman Jones responded, stating that the bills were pending in their respective committees and that he would follow their progress. Jones assured Barr that he would do his best to be responsive to the needs of veterans when the compensation issue comes before the House of Representatives.


The letter is a response from Congressman James R. Jones to Mr. Robert W. Goodwin, thanking him for his letter urging support for legislation to increase veterans' disability compensation. Congressman Jones mentions that the bills are pending in the respective committees and he will follow their progress to be responsive to the needs of veterans. Mr. Goodwin, who is service-connected blind in one eye, is requesting strong support for the legislation.


Kenneth Howard inquired about the status of H.R. 1039, a bill that would allow service-connected disabled veterans to receive disability compensation concurrently with retired pay. The bill is pending before the Subcommittee on Compensation and Pension of the House Veterans Affairs Committee and has not yet been reported to the full committee for consideration. Congressman James R. Jones assured Mr. Howard that he will push for prompt and favorable consideration of the bill.


The letter is from James R. Jones, a Member of Congress, responding to Stanley P. Tullos' support for H.R. 1039, a bill that would allow disabled military retirees to receive both retirement pay and VA disability benefits. Tullos expresses concern about the treatment of military retirees and advocates for equal treatment in terms of benefits. He also questions why military retirees are treated differently from other federal employees. Tullos urges Jones to look into the matter and asks for his support in addressing the issue.


The letter is a response from Congressman James R. Jones to Clyde Hestand regarding legislation to increase veterans' disability compensation. Jones explains the status of the bills in Congress and assures Hestand that he will follow their progress and be responsive to the needs of veterans. Hestand also requests support for the bills from Speaker Carl Albert and mentions other representatives from Oklahoma who may be able to help.


Mr. Eyre wrote to Congressman James R. Jones expressing his support for H.R. 1039, a bill that would allow retired military personnel with disabilities to receive both their retirement pay and VA compensation. Congressman Jones acknowledged Mr. Eyre's letter and assured him that he would consider his views when the bill is voted on in Congress.


Mr. John C. Smith, Jr. wrote a letter to Rep. James R. Jones expressing his concern about legislation affecting service-connected disabled veterans. He mentioned bills H.R. 1039, 2070, 2476, and 6514 that would address the issue of prohibiting concurrent receipt of military retired pay and VA disability compensation. Rep. Jones acknowledged Mr. Smith's concerns and assured him that he would consider his views when the bills come to a vote.


The text is a letter from Mr. Charles Baack to Representative James R. Jones requesting consideration for the enactment of HR 1039, a bill that would allow disabled veterans to receive compensation without it affecting their military retirement pay. The letter expresses support for this bill and highlights the recommendations made by the Retiree Council, including extending benefits to widows of retirees and allowing retirees to draw both military retired pay and disability compensation. The Council also recommends amendments to the Survivor Benefit Plan and provides updates on various legislative actions and policy changes related to military retirees. Additionally, the Council emphasizes the importance of preretirement and post-service employment briefings and encourages retirees to submit recommendations for consideration.


Mr. Hughes wrote to Congressman James R. Jones expressing concern about disabled veterans' pensions. Congressman Jones assured Mr. Hughes that a proposal to reduce disability compensation had been withdrawn and legislation had been introduced to stabilize and freeze the schedule for rating disabilities. Congressman Jones promised to closely follow the bill and do what he could to help protect veterans' payments. Mr. Hughes highlighted the potential hardship that a reduction in veterans' benefits would have on himself and other disabled veterans.


The letter is a response to Mr. England's concern about Disabled Veterans' Pensions. It states that the proposal to reduce disability compensation has been withdrawn and legislation has been introduced to stabilize and freeze the Veterans Administration schedule for rating disabilities. The author, Member of Congress James R. Jones, assures Mr. England that he will closely follow the Bill (H.R 4185) and do all he can to help.


Truman Mikles wrote to Congressman James Jones expressing concern about proposed cuts to VA benefits for disabled veterans and reductions in funding for VA services. Congressman Jones responded, assuring Mikles that the proposal to reduce disability compensation had been withdrawn and legislation introduced to protect veterans' payments. Jones also mentioned that the VA had hired more medical personnel to care for returning prisoners of war. Mikles had previously expressed concern about the impact of budget cuts on VA services for returning veterans and urged Congressman Jones to oppose the proposed cuts.


Mr. Melton wrote a letter expressing concern about disabled veterans' pensions, which prompted Congressman James R. Jones to acknowledge receipt of the letter and reassure Mr. Melton that the proposal to reduce disability compensation has been withdrawn. Legislation has been introduced to stabilize and freeze the schedule for rating disabilities to protect veterans' payments. Mr. Melton urges Congressman Jones to stop any changes in pension and compensation ratings for disabled veterans, emphasizing the importance of the support they receive.


Mr. Perkins expressed concern about the reduction of disability compensation for veterans, but was assured by Congressman James R. Jones that the proposal has been withdrawn. Legislation has been introduced to stabilize and freeze disability ratings to protect veterans' payments. Perkins urged Congress to consider the challenges faced by disabled veterans in making ends meet.


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Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center | University of Oklahoma