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Indian Affairs, Health, 1973 Feb. - 1978 Sep., 1973-1978

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Subject


The text contains a letter from Ross Swimmer, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, to Senator Dewey Bartlett. In the letter, Swimmer discusses the lowered blood quantum for the Five Tribes for Indian Health Services , and the Tribe's plans to update health care services in eastern Oklahoma. The Tribe plans to build a new hospital at Tahlequah and new clinics at Sallisaw, Jay, and Locust Grove, and Swimmer assures Bartlett that he will furnish more detailed information on the matter as the Tribe's plans progress.


The text discusses a request for information from the General Services Administration (GSA) about the transfer of vehicles from the Fort Worth regional office. It is unclear why the vehicles were transferred, and the Choctaw Nation is concerned that this will cause inconvenience for tribes in Eastern Oklahoma who were depending on the vehicles for their community health programs.


The Navajo Health Authority (NHA) was created by the Navajo Tribal Council in order to improve the health and wellbeing of the Navajo people. The NHA has several goals, including developing health manpower training programs, establishing and operating a center for health professions education, and full utilization of the best of health knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors for all people in the Navajo Nation. The NHA also has a goal of evaluating the performance of the health education system and its components, in order to improve the effectiveness and/or efficiency of the system.


The letter confirms that there is no funding for the Health Administration program for American Indians at the University of Oklahoma in the FY '78 budget. The author suggests that the University make arrangements with a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee to present testimony during hearings on the Indian Health Services budget in order to secure line item funding.


The text describes a firm that offers architectural and engineering services, and explains that the firm is especially well-suited for a project involving the construction of health facilities for Native Americans. The firm's principals are listed, along with their relevant qualifications, and it is noted that the firm is 51% owned by Native Americans. Finally, it is stated that the firm has a current Standard Form 251 on file with the relevant government office, and that any additional information requested will be supplied upon request.


The text contains two letters regarding Mr. Lloyd Harkless's request for reimbursement of travel expenses for cobalt treatments. The first letter, from the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, states that reimbursement is not possible at the present time due to priorities set by the Tahlequah Hospital and the Indian Health Advisory Board. The second letter, from Indian Health Service, requests that the matter be investigated by the Tahlequah Indian Hospital.


The text contains a letter from Carl D. Cameron, project officer for the Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan, Inc., to Dewey F. Bartlett, United States senator from Oklahoma. In the letter, Cameron thanks Bartlett for his interest in the Council's work and informs him of a study on the potential of the Kincheloe Hospital to meet the health needs of Michigan's Native American population.


The text contains a letter from John K. Ballard to Dewey Bartlett, in which Ballard discusses the inadequate health care situation facing the Cherokee people in Delaware County, Oklahoma. He notes that the local Indian Health Center is often closed or not properly staffed, and that the nearest hospital is 71 miles away. He asks Bartlett to intervene on the Cherokee people's behalf to improve the situation.


The text contains a letter from Margaret Bagby to Dewey Bartlett, in which she discusses the need for additional funding for Indian health care services in eastern Oklahoma. She explains that the existing facilities are overcrowded and that many patients are not able to see a doctor. She asks for Bartlett's help in improving the situation.


The author discusses the problems with the Indian Health Service and proposes solutions to improve the situation. The solutions include fully funding the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, making Indian Health Service hospitals eligible for Medicare payments, and changing the way the Indian Health Service is funded.


The Elected Community Representatives of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma are requesting additional funds for Indian health care services in eastern Oklahoma. They have met with Cherokee Tribal Chief Ross Swimmer to discuss the situation and have resolved to advocate for more services.


The text discusses a disagreement between an insulation company and a mechanical contractor over the interpretation of a government regulation concerning the use of Indian-owned subcontractors. The insulation company believes that the mechanical contractor is required to use at least 50% Indian-owned subcontractors, while the contractor believes that they are only required to consider them. The matter has been referred to the Department of Health, Education and Welfare for clarification.


The text contains a letter from Mrs. Joyce Johnson of the Tsa La Gi Ya Club of Tulsa to Sen. Dewey Bartlett, in which she urges him to support additional funding for Indian hospitals in Tahlequah and Claremore. Mrs. Johnson states that the need for these services has increased due to the lowering of the blood quantum (i.e., the percentage of Native American blood required to be considered a member of a tribe), and she thanks Sen. Bartlett for his continued support.


The text describes a man's efforts to obtain financial assistance from the Indian Health Service for medical expenses. The man has been denied assistance for some of his expenses, and is struggling to pay the bills on his own. He has been advised to seek assistance from other sources, but has not been successful in doing so.


The text describes a request by the Chickasaw Nation for additional funding for the construction of an Indian Health Service facility. The tribe argues that the current budgeted amount is insufficient and that the facility will not be able to provide the quality of care expected without additional funding.


The Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma are requesting funding for a new health center. The center would be located on tribal land in Concho, Oklahoma. The tribes' delegation met with Senator Bartlett in 1977 to discuss the request. The tribes appreciate any efforts the senator can make on their behalf.


The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center has requested line-item funding in the FY '79 budget to support its current Health Administration Program for American Indians. Professor and Chairman Roger L. Amidon has enclosed several items related to the request in a letter to University of Oklahoma Liaison Andrew Marusak.


The text discusses the state of Indian health care in the United States, and suggests various solutions to improve the situation. These include fully funding the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, making Indian Health Service hospitals eligible for Medicare payments, and changing the way the Indian Health Service is funded so that it is treated as an entitlement program.


The text provides information on the solar panel prequalification process for the Ada Comprehensive Health Facility in Ada, Oklahoma. Solar King was not originally included on the list of manufacturers to be invited to submit information for prequalification, but was allowed to do so at the request of the project's A/E consultant. After review, Solar King's submission was determined to be non-responsive and the company was informed of this decision. Solar King protested strongly, and as a result, the decision was made to write a performance specification for the solar panels and bid them as part of the mechanical package, rather than going through the entire prequalification process again. The text also discusses Solar King's claims that the solar design is poorly conceived, and that the use of single glazed collectors is ineffective. It is noted that this is the fourth solar equipped hospital facility for which the Regional Office has been responsible, and that in each case, studies by the mechanical engineers recommended against the use of dual


The text describes a complaint about the construction of the Ada Comprehensive Health Facility, and the response from the US Department of Health, Education & Welfare. The complainant is dissatisfied with the response and is seeking further information.


The text contains a letter from Perry Sundust, chairman of the Phoenix Area Indian Health Board, to Dewey Bartlett, senator from Oklahoma. Sundust discusses the board's concerns with the Director of the Phoenix Area Indian Health Service position, and states that it is the board's belief that the best candidate for the position is Raymond Rodgers.


The text describes the situation of Dr. Ramirez, a physician from the Philippines who is set to return to her home country due to the expiration of her visa. The author is appealing to Senator Dewey Bartlett for help in securing a new visa for Dr. Ramirez so that she can continue working at the Claremore Indian Hospital in Oklahoma. There is a shortage of physicians nationally and especially in the Indian Health Service, making Dr. Ramirez's skills and experience invaluable to the hospital. Time is of the essence as another hospital has already offered her a position.


The text is a telegram from Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma executive director Emery D. Spears to US Senator Dewey Bartlett, asking for Bartlett's support in securing supplemental funding for the Choctaw Nation's health care equipment and staffing. Bartlett assures Spears that he will support the Indian Health Service budget in this regard, and notes that the Senate Appropriations Committee is currently holding hearings on the budget and will be hearing tribal witnesses before the end of March.


In the summer of 1974, Mr. Bruce Lone Wolf's son underwent emergency surgery and was admitted to St. Johns Hospital. The next day, he was advised that Claremore Indian Hospital would not be able to pay for his emergency care. Mr. Lone Wolf then contacted U.S. Senator Dewey Bartlett's office for assistance. Director of the Oklahoma City Indian Health Service John Davis responded to Senator Bartlett's inquiry, explaining that the hospital had to establish a system of medical care priorities, and that under present conditions, it would not be possible to provide financial assistance to Mr. Lone Wolf's son.


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Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center | University of Oklahoma