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Commerce, Economic Development Administration, Five Civilized Tribes Cable Television Communication Facility


The Five Civilized Tribes Foundation in Muskogee, Oklahoma, prepared a narrative in February 1980 in support of the American Indian Broadcast Corporation. The primary goal of the broadcast facility is to preserve tribal governments and address important issues facing Indian people. Tribal governments are under attack from various groups, including radical and splinter Indian groups. These groups undermine the authority of elected tribal governments and misrepresent them as corrupt and undemocratic. The narrative argues that tribal self-determination depends on the attitudes of white Americans and the support of elected tribal leaders. The broadcast facility would provide a means of addressing these issues and informing both Indian and non-Indian Americans. Funding for the facility could come from the federal government, which already provides significant appropriations to Indian communities. The government could contract with the American Indian Broadcast Corporation to provide balanced information on the views of elected tribal leaders. The narrative emphasizes the importance of informing the American public and convincing them of the value of tribal governments for their survival.

The letter is from the Economic Development Administration (EDA) to Congressman James R. Jones regarding a request for a technical assistance grant for the Five Civilized Tribes Cable Television Communication Facility. The EDA states that they will carefully consider the request when funds become available and will inform the Congressman of their decision. They express appreciation for his support of the EDA.


The text is a resignation letter from someone named R.M. Davis to Sooner Cable. Davis explains that he is resigning from his position due to other commitments, but offers his assistance on future projects. The letter is addressed to Bd Drake, the President of Sooner Cable.


The Five Civilized Tribes Foundation is seeking technical assistance for a National Satellite TV Station project. The project aims to address unemployment and underemployment in the Five Tribes area and provide employment opportunities and educational facilities for tribal members. The grant request includes funding for feasibility studies and the establishment of a broadcast facility in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The foundation hopes that the project will increase ownership and job opportunities for the Indian community in the media industry.


The letter is addressed to Bob Davis, the Executive Vice President of Midwest Video Productions. The author is requesting funds for a feasibility study for the formation of the American Indian Broadcast Corporation. The author acknowledges Davis for his contribution to the concept and thanks him on behalf of the Five Civilized Tribes Foundation. The author explains that the foundation plans to establish a communication department with various media outlets to improve tribal engagement and raise awareness about Indian issues.


This document is a conceptual communications plan for the American Indian Broadcasting Company, created by Sooner Cable Services, Inc. It includes a glossary of terms related to satellite and terrestrial microwave communication systems. The plan discusses the use of transponders, terrestrial microwave repeaters, earth stations, translators, cable systems, and mobile studios with integral uplinks for broadcasting purposes. The plan highlights the ability to transmit television, radio, and data signals across various locations.


The Five Civilized Tribes Foundation has authorized Mr. Bob Davis of Sooner Cable Inc. to seek funding from the Economic Development Administration for the development of the American Indian Broadcast Corporation, a television broadcast company owned by the foundation. The letter is signed by the Chairman of the Board.


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Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center | University of Oklahoma