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Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Osage Tribal Council


James R. Jones received a resolution from the Osage Tribal Council welcoming him as the Congressman for most of Osage County. He expresses gratitude and assures he will do his best to represent all citizens of Osage County.


The text provides a list of mailing addresses and telephone numbers for the Osage Tribal Council officers and members elected for the period July 1, 1978 - June 30, 1982. It suggests that a congressman will be sending a letter to the council based on the attached mailing list.


The text is a letter from the law firm of Smith, Brown, Martin & Adkisson to Congressman James R. Jones, enclosing a resolution passed by the Osage Tribal Council in support of Jones representing more of Osage County. Jones responds with gratitude and expresses his eagerness to represent the citizens of Osage County in Congress.


The text discusses the complicated issue of Osage tribal membership and voting rights, particularly in relation to the 1906 Osage Allotment Act and the ownership of headrights. It highlights the disparities in voting rights among members with varying degrees of Osage blood and the lack of representation for many Osage individuals. The text also mentions a court case and legislative proposals aimed at addressing the membership issue and providing fair representation for all Osage members. Ultimately, the text emphasizes the importance of resolving the membership question to ensure proper allocation of funds and fair treatment for Osage individuals.

The text is discussing a bill concerning the Osage Indians in Oklahoma. The bill passed the House of Representatives on October 4, 1978. The Senate passed a more comprehensive bill with changes to the taxation status of certain Osage rights, which was not included in the House version. The text also mentions contacting individuals with the outcome of the vote on the bill.

The text includes a series of letters drafted by Fran and Ruthie regarding congratulatory letters to winners of Osage Tribal Council elections. There are also letters for those who lost the election and former members of the council. The letters are signed by James R. Jones and emphasize building a close working relationship with the recipients.


The text is a list of candidates for the Osage Tribal Election on June 7, 1982, including candidates for Principal Chief, Assistant Principal Chief, and Council Member. The text also includes contact information for support and a list of candidates to vote for.


The text lists the newly elected members of the Osage Tribal Council, including the principal chief George E. Tallchief and assistant principal chief Ed Red Eagle, Sr. It also mentions other council members who were re-elected, such as Ralph R. Adkisson, Don H. Big Elk, Francis Drexel, D.E. (Bill) Martin, Mrs. Camille W. Pangbourne, Harry Red Eagle, Jr., George Ed Regard, and John Tallchief. The members are from various locations in Oklahoma.

The text is a report from the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs regarding a bill to amend laws relating to the Osage Tribe of Oklahoma. The purpose of the bill is to address various issues concerning the Osage Indians, including their tribal council, mineral estate, property rights, and tribal government. The amendments proposed in the bill aim to extend the existence of the tribal council, reserve the mineral estate to the tribe in perpetuity, and eliminate blood degree distinctions in property ownership and tax exemptions. The background information provided explains the historical context of Osage land allotment and the current legal framework governing their affairs. The bill also addresses the need for conservation of oil and gas resources on Osage lands.

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Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center | University of Oklahoma