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Indian Affairs, Cherokee, 1973 Jan. - 1978 Aug., 1973-1978

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Subject


The letter is from Ross O. Swimmer, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, to Senator Dewey Bartlett, asking for support for S. 2130, the Indian Tribal Government Tax Status Act. Bartlett says he will have a staff member review the legislation and take Cherokee interests into account.


The Delaware Community Cherokee Indian Organization District of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma has set eight goals for the year 1978-79. These goals include raising and dispatching the Jack Bushyhead Scholarship, supporting and signing a petition for a referendum vote to amend the Cherokee Nation Constitution, creating conditions for the Jay Indian Health Clinic to be fully staffed and equipped, nominating and supporting a local person for the National Advisory Council on Indian Education, offering input and support for the reorganization of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and obtaining legislation to bring the Oklahoma Cherokee Nation enrollment up to date.


The text describes a proposed Indian health facility in Nowata, Oklahoma, which is intended to alleviate the congestion at the Claremore Indian Service Unit for out-patient care. The facility would provide care to the total Indian population of the Nowata Service Area. It is estimated that services will increase after a full year of operation. The resources required for the facility include personnel, supplies, and rent.


The text describes a proposed amendment to the Public Health Service Act that would allow the Indian Health Service to contract with private firms in order to help with recruitment efforts. The amendment is designed to help the Indian Health Service fill current staffing needs. The amendment is seen as necessary in order to help the Indian Health Services meet the current demands placed upon it.


The North Central Oklahoma Inter-Tribal Health Council, Inc. is requesting financial support from Senator Dewey F. Bartlett for a new hospital facility. The hospital would serve the seven counties of Osage, Pawnee, Payne, Noble, Kay, Garfield, and Grant. The Council has unanimously voted in favor of the hospital and enclosed a joint resolution to that effect.


The Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma will form a tribal entity composed of tribal members who will form a corporation in trust for the tribe. This corporation will in turn build and lease back to G.S.A. the facility for the health clinic. After meeting the necessary expenses, such as insurance, taxes, maintenance, office expenses, etc., all funds will then be allocated to the tribe in a manner which best helps meet the needs prioritized by the tribe. At this time it is impossible to lay out fund allocating because of the uncertainties involved. Upon completion of this project and at your request, we will be happy to inform you of the operation in detail.


The General Services Administration is currently developing an environmental impact assessment for the proposed construction of two leased buildings to be used by the Indian Health Service and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The buildings will be constructed on a 40-acre tract of land located about 1/2 mile south of Wewoka, Oklahoma, and will be one story in height. Approximately 120 parking spaces will be provided for joint use by the clinic and BIA. The clinic will provide approximately 12,712 net usable square feet of medical, dental and administrative space and will be staffed by an estimated 49 persons. It will serve an estimated 50 mile radius and 21,456 outpatients a year. The BIA office will contain an estimated 4,444 square feet of net usable general office space and will be staffed by an estimated 14 employees. The BIA offices are presently located in the basement of the Post Office Building in Wewoka, but will be relocated into this space upon completion of the new


The Talley-Walker Hospital in Marlow, Oklahoma, is appealing to Senator Dewey Bartlett for help in getting a bill paid. The hospital provided care to Marie Edwards, who has several chronic health conditions, but the Indian Health Service has refused to pay the bill. The hospital argues that the attending physician notified the Indian Hospital of the admission, but the Indian Hospital would not take responsibility for the patient. The charges for the one day stay were denied due to lack of funds.


The writer is thanking the recipient for sending them information on a bill that would improve access to healthcare for Native Americans. They express their support for the bill, and highlight two specific sections (Titles 1 and 6) that they believe are especially important. They explain that these titles are interdependent and that successful implementation of the healthcare improvements will require the development of a pool of trained, culturally sensitive Native American healthcare professionals.


This document contains a briefing paper on the American Indian School of Medicine (AISOM), including information on why such a school is needed, where it would be located, and how it would be financed and governed. It also includes a discussion of some of the challenges that would need to be addressed, such as accreditation and federal approval.


The Indian Health Service (Indian Health Services) has determined that it does not have sufficient contract funds available to cover the medical expenses incurred by Lloyd Harless. However, the Indian Health Services suggests that Harless continue to use the Tahlequah Indian Hospital to the extent that its facilities and staff can provide.


The text describes the need for a new clinic facility in Anadarko, Oklahoma to serve the Wichita, Caddo, Delaware, Kiowa, Comanche, Apache and Kiowa-Apache Tribes. The clinic is needed to provide quality care to the large Indian population in the area. The text includes a list of resources required for the clinic, including staff, equipment, and supplies.


The text contains a letter from Hickory Starr, Jr. to Dewey Bartlett, in which Starr asks Bartlett to support the Indian Health Services Proposal. The budget for the proposal will come from a special appropriation, and not from the Indian Health Services budget.


A woman is appealing to a government official for help in paying a hospital bill. She explains that she is half Chickasaw and used the Indian Hospital in Lawton, but they refused to pay the bill. She is currently drawing Social Security disability and is ineligible for Medicaid. She is asking for any help the government official can provide.


This is a response to an inquiry from Mrs. Marie Edwards of Marlow, Oklahoma regarding payment for medical and hospital expenses she incurred at the Tally-Walker Hospital in Marlow, Oklahoma. The Director of the Oklahoma City Area Indian Health Service, John W. Davis, has been asked to investigate the matter and provide additional information. A follow-up response will be provided after receipt of Mr. Davis' report.


The text contains information about the American Indian School of Medicine (AISOM) and the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (Indian Health Care Improvement Act (IHCIA)). It describes the purpose of the school and the act, and lists some of the problems that the school and the act aim to address. It also includes a call to action, asking people to write to their representatives in support of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (IHCIA).


The text contains a letter from Dewey F. Bartlett, U.S. Senator from Oklahoma, to Marie Edwards regarding her concern about payment of medical and hospital expenses incurred at the Tally-Walker Hospital in Marlow, Oklahoma. Bartlett states that Dr. Emery Johnson of the Department of HEW has asked Mr. Davis of the Oklahoma City Indian Health Service to investigate the matter and report back to him. Bartlett assures Edwards that he will provide her with additional information and a follow-up response once he receives Johnson's report.


The OCA Indian Health Services Advisory Board, Inc. has resolved to support the Cherokee-Delaware Tribe in its efforts to maintain its own Indian Health Services program, in light of a resolution submitted by the Cherokee Tribe of Oklahoma requesting that the Community Health Representative's contract be awarded to them instead. The Advisory Board feels that the delivery of health care services by the Cherokee-Delaware Tribe is exemplary and should be continued.


The text describes a complaint by K and T Construction Company against the Cherokee Nation Housing Authority. The company alleges that the housing authority discriminated against them in favor of another company, IBEC, due to political pressure. However, the housing authority denies these allegations, stating that they follow a standard procedure when selecting developers and that no discrimination was intended.


The text describes a grant application by Dave Whitekiller, a Cherokee, to establish a packing plant in Greensburg, Kansas. The application was denied because the proposed business would not be located on or near an Indian reservation. Whitekiller has been advised to contact the Small Business Administration for assistance.


The text contains a letter from Betty J. Brown to Dewey F. Bartlett, in which she discusses a procedure that she feels would eliminate the need for mass documentation in order to vote in Five Tribes elections. Brown suggests that the Muskogee Area Office of the Bureau of Indian Affairs compile a list of all persons in the Five Civilized Tribes who were reinstated to the Dawes Commission Rolls, and that these persons be allowed to vote without having to provide documentation. Bartlett responds that he will appreciate it if Ellison will furnish him with his views and opinions on the merits of Brown's suggestion.


Chief W. W. Keeler has taken full control of the Cherokee Nation's business affairs following the resignation of the executive business director. He plans to clear up the tribe's remaining debts and ensure the smooth continuation of various programs. Keeler withdrew his request for the Bureau of Indian Affairs to take over tribal operations. The tribe's loss in a housing and construction venture in 1974 was about $800,000, but Keeler stated that the tribe is not broke and has funds held in trust by the federal government. Keeler is not seeking re-election after serving as chief for 26 years.


The Cherokees will vote on a tribal constitution soon, regardless of who wins the election for chief. The proposed constitution includes an elected tribal council and aims to limit the chief's power. Concerns have been raised that an amendment granting the chief veto power over the council could consolidate power in the chief's hands. Cherokee debts from a previous venture are also a major concern.


A delegation of Cherokee Indians requested information from Governor David Boren regarding an investigation into a tribal venture that lost $800,000. The delegation was appointed by chief candidates and wanted the results of the investigation to be made public before an upcoming tribal election. Witnesses were not allowed to testify before a grand jury, and the governor's staff stated that the investigation report would not be released to the public.


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Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center | University of Oklahoma