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Indian Claims Commission

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Departmental, 1945-1976


The text discusses various Indian claims and legal matters; including contact information for individuals involved in the process. It mentions a letter written by Bill Keeler and the approval of funds by the law office. Additionally; there is a reference to contacting Paul Niebell and the Techne heirs. The text also mentions the authority of the ICC to allow expenses and a problem related to a specific parent.


Two individuals; Norvelle and Ballard; visited the office to express concerns about Commissioner Watkins of the Indian Claims Commission being senile and incompetent. They suggest he should be removed and a Washington attorney; Mr. Nieball; wants to provide more details. Norvelle is a friend of Raymond Gary.


The text consists of a series of letters regarding the Choctaw Nations case against the United States before the Indian Claims Commission. The letters discuss the progress of the case and the expected completion date of the report; which is September 30; 1964. The attorneys involved express gratitude for assistance and updates on the status of the case.


The letter is a response from Toby Morris to Carl Albert; thanking him for his consideration in potentially appointing him to the Indian Claims Commission. Toby expresses gratitude for the offer but explains that due to family illness; he is unable to return to Washington at this time. He mentions his current plan to continue his research and work in manufacturing in Oklahoma; but is open to opportunities in public service or law in the future. Toby also mentions that he will reach out to Carl if he hears of any suitable positions and appreciates any assistance.


The letter is a thank you note from Carl Albert to T. Herold Scott; expressing gratitude for their visit and hoping to meet again in the future. Scott also expresses hope for future meetings and best wishes.


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Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center | University of Oklahoma