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Health, Education and Welfare - Public Health Service - John Spaan Appointment

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Departmental, 1945-1976


The letter is from a person and their wife who are concerned about a relative in an Indian hospital and do not want them kicked out. They are also requesting help from Washington regarding a man named John Spann for an executive officer position, as they have heard another man might be chosen instead. They are asking for help to get the man they want in the position and will be disappointed if they do not receive help.


Mr. Carl Hildebrand, Principal of Western Heights High School, recommended Mr. John Spaan for a promotion to the position of Executive Officer in the Oklahoma City Area Office of the Public Health Service's Division of Indian Health. However, they were informed that the position had already been filled. Mr. Hildebrand's recommendation was forwarded to Dr. E. S. Rabeau, Director of the Division of Indian Health for consideration in case there is a change in the current situation. Mr. Spaan was praised for his leadership qualities, commitment to education, and dedication to working with the Indian community.


Congressman Carl Albert received a note from Dr. B. Frank Belvin regarding the Spaan matter. Belvin is upset that Mr. Spaan is not being named Executive Officer due to his limited background in engineering and maintenance. Belvin is concerned about Mr. Ellis having two strikes against him if Chief Belvin is against him. Belvin is happy that Congressman Albert is involved in the matter and hopes for a compromise with the Public Health Service to find a suitable candidate acceptable to Chief Belvin.


The text consists of a series of letters recommending Mr. John Spaan for the position of Executive Officer of the Division of Indian Health in the Public Health Service. The letters are addressed to various officials, including the White House, the Civil Service Commission, and the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. The recommendations highlight Mr. Spaan's qualifications, loyalty, efficiency, and dedication to duty. Congressman Albert and his administrative assistant are actively working to support Mr. Spaan's candidacy for the position.


The text consists of a series of letters urging the consideration of Mr. John Spaan for the Executive Officer position in the Oklahoma City Area Office of the Public Health Service's Indian Health Division. Various Indian leaders and politicians, including Representative Carl Albert, have expressed their support for Spaan based on his qualifications, dedication to the Indian people, and the democratic process. They emphasize the importance of having a leader who understands and supports the Indian community in this position.


The letter from Carl Albert, a congressman from Oklahoma, expresses concerns about the appointment of Mr. Ellis as Executive Officer in the Public Health Service Indian Health Area Office in Oklahoma City. Indian leaders in the district are unhappy that someone from Alaska is being transferred in for the position, and they are requesting for the Executive Officer to be someone who is familiar and sympathetic with the Oklahoma Indian population. The Inter-Tribal Council of the Five Civilized Tribes also recommended that the Executive Officer be an Oklahoman. Congressman Albert suggests finding a well-qualified person who meets the criteria to avoid potential conflicts and ensure the success of the program.


The letter is in response to a resolution adopted by The Inter-Tribal Council of the Five Civilized Tribes regarding the selection of an Indian Health Area Director and Executive Officer in Oklahoma. The Council requests that officials select individuals familiar with Oklahoma Indians and who are qualified for the positions. The letter expresses appreciation for the Council's recommendations and requests favorable action on the resolution.


Mr. John Spaan from Oklahoma City called the office about the selection of the Executive Officer for the Division of Indian Health. He is interested in the position but believes Mr. Frank Ellis from Alaska may be appointed instead. Spaan has contacted Congressmen for help with his Civil Service rating. Spaan is a friend of the office and is dedicated to obtaining the position.


The text consists of letters recommending Mr. John Spaan for the position of Executive Officer in the Oklahoma City Area Office of the Public Health Service's Division of Indian Health. The letters, written by various individuals including Mr. Bentley Beams and Mrs. Radie Beams, express strong support for Mr. Spaan's qualifications and experience. They have also been forwarded to Dr. Rabeau and other relevant authorities for consideration, despite an assignment already being made. The letters emphasize Mr. Spaan's understanding of the needs of the Indian people in Oklahoma and his ability to provide better service than candidates from other states. The writers request support for Mr. Spaan's appointment to the position.


The letter is a recommendation for Mr. John Spaan for an executive officer position in the Oklahoma City Area office of the U.S. Public Health Service's Division of Indian Health. The letter acknowledges Mr. Spaan's qualifications and the recommendation from the Personnel Director of Oklahoma City Public Schools. However, it is mentioned that the position has already been filled. The recommendation is passed on to the Director of the Division of Indian Health in Washington for future consideration. The letter from the Personnel Director highlights Mr. Spaan's qualifications and personal qualities that make him a strong candidate for the position.


The text is a series of letters recommending John H. Spaan for the position of Executive Officer in the Oklahoma City Area Office. Mrs. Dolorosa Spooner, a registered nurse, and A. D. Hogan, Chairman of Precinct 50, Ward 3, both highly recommend Mr. Spaan for his dedication, work ethic, and loyalty to the administration. They believe he is the best candidate for the position and urge Dr. Rabeau and others to seriously consider him. They also highlight Mr. Spaan's involvement in political affairs and support for the President.


The Department of Health and Welfare in Silver Spring, Maryland, is thanking Mrs. Lowe for her letters regarding the selection of a new Executive Officer for the Indian Health program in the Oklahoma Area. They have selected a new officer who has demonstrated effectiveness in a similar role in another Indian Health Area. They appreciate Mrs. Lowe's interest in providing the best leadership for the program.


The letter is a recommendation for Mr. John Spaan for the executive officer position in the U.S. Public Health Service's Division of Indian Health in Oklahoma City. Although the position has been filled, the recommendation is being passed along for future consideration. The letter includes a "Quick Fact Sheet" listing Mr. Spaan's qualifications and experience.


The letter is a recommendation for Mr. John Spaan to be promoted to the position of Executive Officer in the Oklahoma City Area Office of the Public Health Service's Division of Indian Health. The recommendation comes from Governor Overton James of the Chickasaw Nation, who highlights Spaan's 10 years of experience with the Public Health Service and his knowledge of the health conditions and needs of Oklahoma Indians. The letter also mentions that other tribal leaders have recommended Spaan for the position. Congressman Carl Albert, who received the recommendation, expresses gratitude for Governor James' support and mentions that they have also recommended Spaan for the position.


The text consists of letters recommending Mr. John Spaan for the position of Executive Officer in the Oklahoma City Area Office of the U.S. Public Health Service. Various individuals, including Congressman Carl Albert and Clarke Chapman, have written letters in support of Mr. Spaan, citing his dedication, competence, and qualifications for the position. Despite initial efforts to secure the position for Mr. Spaan, it is mentioned that the Executive Officer position had already been filled. Nonetheless, efforts are ongoing to promote Mr. Spaan in the future.


The letter from Carl Albert, a representative from Oklahoma, to John Spaan informs him that despite their efforts, another individual has been chosen for the Executive Officer position in the Public Health Service Indian Health Area Office in Oklahoma City. The letter also expresses hope for Spaan's cooperation with the new appointee and appreciation for his interest in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. The response from Under Secretary Wilbur J. Cohen explains that Francis Ellis was chosen for the position due to his qualifications and effectiveness as an Executive Officer.


The text is a series of correspondence between Congressman Carl Albert, the Principal Chief of the Choctaw Nation, and other individuals regarding various issues within the Indian Health Service. The Principal Chief expresses concerns about personnel decisions and the need for more representation of Oklahomans within the organization. Congressman Albert assures his support and assistance in addressing these concerns.


The text consists of a letter from Congressman Carl Albert recommending Mr. John Spaan for a position in the Indian Health Area Office. The U.S. Civil Service Commission responded that the position had been filled internally. Another letter from B. Frank Belvin expresses interest in meeting with Congressman Albert to discuss the Indian Health Service.


Mr. A is adamant about promoting John Spaan to executive officer, despite Senator Harris recommending him for a position that has already been filled. Jimmy Belvin is insistent on this promotion and is sending a letter expressing his thoughts on the matter. Spaan's promotion is a closed issue according to Senator Harris.


The letter is a recommendation from Lee Sorey for John Spaan to be considered for the Executive Officer position in the Oklahoma City Area office of the U.S. Public Health Service's Division of Indian Health. The recommendation is forwarded to Dr. E. S. Rabeau, Director of the Division of Indian Health in Washington, with the hope that it will be helpful for future openings. Congressman Carl Albert acknowledges the recommendation and informs Dr. Rabeau that the position has already been filled.


The letter is from Polie B. Belvin to Congressman Carl Albert recommending John Spaan for a position in the Public Health Service's Division of Indian Health. Belvin emphasizes Spaan's experience with Indian affairs and his concern for the welfare of Oklahoma Indians. Belvin also mentions the support of Chief Harry J. W. Belvin of the Choctaw Nation and expresses confidence in Congressman Albert's ability to help with the appointment. Congressman Albert's administrative assistant acknowledges the letter and mentions that Albert has already recommended Spaan for the position to various officials. Congressman Albert himself writes to Dr. Rabeau, Director of the Division of Indian Health, enclosing Belvin's letter and requesting appropriate consideration for Spaan's appointment.


The text consists of a series of letters recommending Mr. John Spaan for the position of Executive Officer in the Oklahoma City Area Office of the Public Health Service's Division of Indian Health. The letters are from Representative Carl Albert, Shaw and Shaw Architects, and are addressed to Dr. Rabeau, Director of the Division of Indian Health. They highlight Spaan's qualifications and request that he be considered for the position. Rep. Albert also mentions that he has recommended Spaan to other high-level officials.


Mrs. Roberta Lowe wrote a letter of recommendation for Mr. John Spaan for the executive officer position in the U.S. Public Health Service's Division of Indian Health in Oklahoma City. Although the position had already been filled, the recommendation was passed along to Dr. E. S. Rabeau in case a vacancy occurs in the future. Mrs. Lowe highlighted Mr. Spaan's dedication, leadership qualities, and commitment to the well-being of the Indian people. Congressman Carl Albert acknowledged the recommendation and forwarded it to Dr. Rabeau.


The text is a series of letters discussing the recommendation of Mr. John Spaan for the Executive Officer position in the Public Health Service Indian Health Area Office in Oklahoma City. Despite efforts made to recommend Spaan, it is revealed that the position has already been filled. The letters express support for the new appointee and acknowledge the need for changes in the office hierarchy. The correspondence also includes discussions with the Choctaw Nation Principal Chief and Dr. Rabeau, as well as assurances of continued collaboration and communication.


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Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center | University of Oklahoma