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Election Year: 1980


"SUMMARY: Voiceover newspaper, candidate took office, welfare system in mess, made system a model wo dc helps. Candidate speaks, ca wants more power from dc it was less, problems closest to people work the best. Need a president to make it happen. SUBJECTS: welfare; bureaucracy ICPSR: 99907 STATE ICPSR: 99 PARTY CODE: 200 FORMAT (analog): 16mm film COMMUNICATION TYPE: Positive Image ROLE: Featured GENDER (legacy): Male"


"SUMMARY: Silent commercial with a quote from the New York times criticizing Carter's new economic structure. SUBJECTS: negative campaigning; economy; record ICPSR: 99907 STATE ICPSR: 99 PARTY CODE: 200 FORMAT (analog): 3/4"" videotape COMMUNICATION TYPE: Negative Image ROLE: Opponent GENDER (legacy): Male"


"SUMMARY: Shows man saying that Reagan did a great job as governor of California. SUBJECTS: record ICPSR: 99907 STATE ICPSR: 99 PARTY CODE: 200 FORMAT (analog): unlisted COMMUNICATION TYPE: Positive Issue GENDER (legacy): Male"


"SUMMARY: Candidate speaks at podium, says current admins has offered a 'no growth policy, America ns have to accept less. 200 Years we believed in growing economy. 'He'll make America great.' Voiceover urges viewers to pledge 'maximum support for cand, tag. SUBJECTS: economic growth ICPSR: 99907 STATE ICPSR: 99 PARTY CODE: 200 FORMAT (analog): 2"" videotape GENDER (legacy): Male"


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Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center | University of Oklahoma