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Election Year: 1998


"SUMMARY: Says people should be able to decide on the Medicare they want SENTIMENT: Positive Issue CREATOR: Shrum Devine Donilon FORMAT (analog) - 3/4"" OFFICE: United States Senate Offices and Issue Campaigns ICPSR: 49902 STATE ICPSR: 47 PARTY CODE: 100"


"SUMMARY: Lobbyist on phone, candidate tough on HMO's, health care. SENTIMENT: Positive Issue CREATOR: Shrum Devine Donilon FORMAT (analog) - VHS OFFICE: United States Senate Offices and Issue Campaigns ICPSR: 49902 STATE ICPSR: 47 PARTY CODE: 100"


"SUMMARY: Candidate says started learning center for high school kids, give children chance, want to learn. SENTIMENT: Positive Issue CREATOR: Shrum Devine Donilon FORMAT (analog) - VHS OFFICE: United States Senate Offices and Issue Campaigns ICPSR: 49902 STATE ICPSR: 47 PARTY CODE: 100"


"SUMMARY: *Voiceover* says opponent has voted with Clinton 200 times, calls opponent a liberal, cand opposes tax increases, supports the death penalty, education as top priority SENTIMENT: Negative Issue CREATOR: Shrum Devine Donilon FORMAT (analog) - Beta SP OFFICE: United States Senate Offices and Issue Campaigns ICPSR: 49902 STATE ICPSR: 47 PARTY CODE: 100"


"SUMMARY: *Voiceover* says opponent running negative campaign, opponent 's campaign manager said people of state are too busy watching Oprah to care about the issues, will believe anything on TV SENTIMENT: Negative Image CREATOR: Shrum Devine Donilon FORMAT (analog) - Beta SP OFFICE: United States Senate Offices and Issue Campaigns ICPSR: 49902 STATE ICPSR: 47 PARTY CODE: 100"


"SENTIMENT: Positive CREATOR: Shrum Devine Donilon FORMAT (analog) - VHS OFFICE: United States Senate Offices and Issue Campaigns ICPSR: 49902 STATE ICPSR: 47 PARTY CODE: 100"


"SUMMARY: Ad says opponent 's negative ads are a lot of bull, cand is actually endorsed by police, newspapers claim opponent s ads are false and distorting, clip of police men saying Bull. SENTIMENT: Negative Image CREATOR: Shrum Devine Donilon FORMAT (analog) - Beta SP OFFICE: United States Senate Offices and Issue Campaigns ICPSR: 49902 STATE ICPSR: 47 PARTY CODE: 100"


"SUMMARY: Spot says cand negative ads are manufactured and distorted, newspapers quoted endorsing cand, cand asks for opponent to debate him. SENTIMENT: Negative Image CREATOR: Shrum Devine Donilon FORMAT (analog) - Beta SP OFFICE: United States Senate Offices and Issue Campaigns ICPSR: 49902 STATE ICPSR: 47 PARTY CODE: 100"


"SUMMARY: Candidate says opponent refuses to have debate, won't run on record or issues, running negative campaign SENTIMENT: Negative Issue CREATOR: Shrum Devine Donilon FORMAT (analog) - Beta SP OFFICE: United States Senate Offices and Issue Campaigns ICPSR: 49902 STATE ICPSR: 47 PARTY CODE: 100"


"SUMMARY: Faircloth has little respect for North Carolinians. SENTIMENT: Negative Image CREATOR: Shrum Devine Donilon FORMAT (analog) - VHS OFFICE: United States Senate Offices and Issue Campaigns ICPSR: 49902 STATE ICPSR: 47 PARTY CODE: 100"


"SUMMARY: Says he visits schools to see what youth is taught SENTIMENT: Positive Issue CREATOR: Shrum Devine Donilon FORMAT (analog) - 3/4"" OFFICE: United States Senate Offices and Issue Campaigns ICPSR: 49902 STATE ICPSR: 47 PARTY CODE: 100"


"SENTIMENT: Negative CREATOR: Shrum Devine Donilon FORMAT (analog) - VHS OFFICE: United States Senate Offices and Issue Campaigns ICPSR: 49902 STATE ICPSR: 47 PARTY CODE: 100"


"SENTIMENT: Positive CREATOR: Shrum Devine Donilon FORMAT (analog) - VHS OFFICE: United States Senate Offices and Issue Campaigns ICPSR: 49902 STATE ICPSR: 47 PARTY CODE: 100"


"SUMMARY: Opponent votes with Clinton. Candidate opposes tax increase, supports education. SENTIMENT: Negative Image CREATOR: Shrum Devine Donilon FORMAT (analog) - VHS OFFICE: United States Senate Offices and Issue Campaigns ICPSR: 49902 STATE ICPSR: 47 PARTY CODE: 100"


"SENTIMENT: Positive FORMAT (analog): VHS OFFICE: United States Senate Offices and Issue Campaigns GENDER (legacy): Male ICPSR: 49304 STATE ICPSR: 47 PARTY CODE: 200"


"SENTIMENT: Positive FORMAT (analog): VHS OFFICE: United States Senate Offices and Issue Campaigns GENDER (legacy): Male ICPSR: 49304 STATE ICPSR: 47 PARTY CODE: 200"


"SENTIMENT: Positive FORMAT (analog): VHS OFFICE: United States Senate Offices and Issue Campaigns GENDER (legacy): Male ICPSR: 49304 STATE ICPSR: 47 PARTY CODE: 200"


"SENTIMENT: Negative FORMAT (analog): VHS OFFICE: United States Senate Offices and Issue Campaigns GENDER (legacy): Male ICPSR: 49304 STATE ICPSR: 47 PARTY CODE: 200"


"SUMMARY: Edwards is tobacco taxing liberal. SUBJECTS: Tobacco; Taxes; Truth SENTIMENT: Negative Image FORMAT (analog): VHS OFFICE: United States Senate Offices and Issue Campaigns GENDER (legacy): Male ICPSR: 49304 STATE ICPSR: 47 PARTY CODE: 200"


"SUMMARY: Police officer says opponent lied about getting their endorsement, says opponent was against death penalty and pretends to be tough on crime. SUBJECTS: Endorsement; Truth; Crime SENTIMENT: Negative Image FORMAT (analog): Beta SP CREATOR: National Media OFFICE: United States Senate Offices and Issue Campaigns GENDER (legacy): Male ICPSR: 49304 STATE ICPSR: 47 PARTY CODE: 200"


"SUMMARY: Ad says questions are rising from opponent's ads, says opponent lied about being born in North Carolina, about special interests money, says newspapers claims opponent has the habit of lying. SUBJECTS: Truth; Trust SENTIMENT: Negative Image FORMAT (analog): Beta SP CREATOR: National Media OFFICE: United States Senate Offices and Issue Campaigns GENDER (legacy): Male ICPSR: 49304 STATE ICPSR: 47 PARTY CODE: 200"


"SENTIMENT: Negative FORMAT (analog): VHS OFFICE: United States Senate Offices and Issue Campaigns GENDER (legacy): Male ICPSR: 49304 STATE ICPSR: 47 PARTY CODE: 200"


"SUMMARY: Edwards is tobacco taxing liberal. SUBJECTS: Tobacco; Taxes SENTIMENT: Negative Image FORMAT (analog): VHS OFFICE: United States Senate Offices and Issue Campaigns GENDER (legacy): Male ICPSR: 49304 STATE ICPSR: 47 PARTY CODE: 200"


"SUMMARY: Opponent didn't pay taxes, hurt social security. SUBJECTS: Social Security; Taxes SENTIMENT: Negative Image FORMAT (analog): VHS OFFICE: United States Senate Offices and Issue Campaigns GENDER (legacy): Male ICPSR: 49304 STATE ICPSR: 47 PARTY CODE: 200"


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Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center | University of Oklahoma