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Indian Claims Commission - General

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Departmental, 1945-1976


This text discusses the establishment of the Indian Claims Commission and the challenges faced by Indian claimants seeking redress for unfair treatment by the government. It examines the defense of former adjudication and the limitations imposed by jurisdictional acts on the Court of Claims. The authors argue for the need for a new forum to address claims based on fair and honorable dealings, not just legal or contractual obligations. The text also mentions the Alcea Band of Tillamook's case as an example of the limitations of the Court of Claims.

The letter endorses Judge Conn Linn for the position of Commissioner of Indian Affairs, stating that he has direct contact with tribal Indians and has a strong background in law and business. The writer highlights Oklahoma's contributions to Indian tribes and mentions a specific case involving oil and gas development. Senator Robert S. Kerr has also endorsed Judge Linn for the position.

The text is a series of correspondence regarding trial dockets for hearings before the Indian Claims Commission in 1949. The letters provide details on the cases, dates, and attorneys involved in the hearings for various Native American tribes and associations. The letters express gratitude for sending trial dockets and provide additional information on upcoming hearings and motions.

Robert Galbreath, Sr. is writing to Hon. Dixie Gilmer regarding the appointment of Commissioner of Indian Affairs. He mentions that a candidate from Pennsylvania has been offered the position, but has not yet accepted. Galbreath believes that representatives from Oklahoma with large Indian populations should demand recognition and work together to select the best candidate for the position. He expresses his preference for a specific candidate, but is open to other possibilities.

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Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center | University of Oklahoma